Friday, January 18, 2019


     I truly do not know whether I should laugh or cry or maybe just take up that dammit doll  - and what a hit it made when I took it with me. The women each took it in turn and whacked it good! Aaaaahhhhh. 
     Yes, it was fun, but truly, I am in awe at the depth of the mesh entangled about this man and his accomplices, and yes, no cronies now, but accomplices, for they all got themselves caught up in it too. Could have walked away, could have said no, but nope, the temptation of that low hanging apple was just too much - power so close by and imagine what they could do with it.
      So, an accounting of what took place yesterday. Trump roused the anger of both parties as he unilaterally canceled a flight for Pelosi, taking away a shared perk of Congressmen. Uh uh, Donny boy - this does not fly, will not fly, with them. But it is okay to fly Melania down here on Air Force One while workers and their families are going hungry? Bad move, dude. Giuliani went on TV with Cuomo and made a total ass of himself, worse than ever and admitted there, that all knew about the collusion except for Trump. Uh huh - believe that all knew, but so did Trump and it awaits another interview with poor old Rudy before he blurts out that truth and gives up trying to shield the rot at the very core of it all. Mnuchin refuses to testify, leaving yet another taste of wonder at this administration as they cling to lifeboats in their desperate times. And as for McConnell, he just continues to refuse to pass any bill in the Senate unless he knows for a fact that Trump, his lord and master, will sign it. Yup, totally ceding control of the legislative branch to the executive branch and we all know how he has made great strides in power grabbing of the judiciary. So one man, one Demented and Power Crazed Man, has singlehandedly begun the destruction of our country and worse, has conscripted willing draftees to help him in this goal. Wow!! Amazed at the lack of spines and minds in so many.
     But all of the above is small stuff when compared to the report that there is PROOF that Trump suborned perjury by Cohen, ordered him to lie in the investigations. Wow indeed. This is obstruction; this is a crime and it is time to remind the man, charge him with a crime, that he is NOT above the law. He is not King in a monarchy and is subject to the laws of the country. Period. STOP. And return to beginning and then do what must be done. 
     The rats are turning on each other, as is normal. The excuses are being shot down. The alleged criminals here are feeling the hot breath of the law on their necks and Trump is wondering if his  appointee, Barr, will fall under his spell or not. I know what he said in the hearings, but Trump's appointees have all lied through their teeth with their forked tongues so what will this one do? Your guess is as good as mine.
     If all the above is not enough, now we find that there were thousands more kids separated from parents as announced before and now they are moving the remaining kids - and there are plenty - to another rotten facility with no state oversight, so no checks on welfare, on medical conditions, on proper housing and food, on education. Nope, just  army barracks and straight lines like convicts and armed and guarded gates. But what the hey, huh? These are all brown kids so who really cares is the thinking of their putrid minds. Well, I do, and so do many others, all those who realize that this behavior does not have an ending, its tentacles oozing the hate and the nastiness to all.
     And now what? What do we do with this amazing and filthy and disturbing saga? Will we ever see the light of day or will the sky over our country continue to darken? What we need to do is prosecute and go all the way, right through all the nasty layers until we clean up this corrupted government and then make sure this cannot happen again. Ever. At least here, in our country. If we back away from the hard choices, well, it will not be pleasant. Neither will the right way, either, but at least it will have accomplished something good at the end of it all. Hey, I can only slam that Dammit Doll so many times before the arm gives out. Slam and slam and slam - yes, but we need action now from all those moral cowards. Will we get it? Only the Shadow knows for sure.


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