Thursday, January 24, 2019


          A popular singer sang plaintively about the damage and hurt that words do and cause. It seems that we have not yet learned or internalized that lesson. It is also particularly ironic when a purveyor of Trumpian version of hate now admits that he is somewhat outspoken and now turns to Bush and Obama to do something about the mess in this country. "It's a mess, and we need help." One cannot help but wonder what would have been if all these big mouth Trumpers would have kept their mouths shut, not spoken their words of hate or words of support for Trump. Easy to speak and not so easy to fix the damage.
     The chief person here who violates all rules of civility is Trump himself. Perhaps he cannot help himself, in the throes of dementia. Perhaps he needs to listen to Prince William who speaks frankly about the need for mental help counsel and we need to be more open about it. Hear that, Donny boy? Hear it and listen.
     But it seems that the country has grown big mouths of all types here. They boast of their misdeeds and poor traits. Kavanaugh boasts that he "likes beer". Trump violates all rules of civility and right every time he opens his mouth or puts his twitter finger into motion. Graham, who put forth the literally ugliest face I have ever seen during that Kavanaugh hearing, now emits further hate nonsense with his statement re Pelosi and her fixed and permanent position re the State of the Union Address.“She seems unreasonable, she seems to have a dislike for the president that is hurting the country, and this idea of not letting the president speak is really overplaying your hand.” She needs to invite Trump before he can speak and she refuses to. Well, good for her. Finally, someone who speaks up and stands up against his threats and words. I am with her all the way for it is time that we put an end to this terrible shutdown and stop our speeding path along the road to a horror beyond words. Revolution? Rioting in the streets? Parents and others breaking into stores and taking bread and food for their kids? People refusing to allow foreclosures as they guard their homes with rifles? Think, people, think. Trump calls Pelosi's stand a "horrible part of history", but the truth is that he is the horrible part of history, a giant misstep taken due to bad thinking and bad procedures and the help of Trump's best buddies - the Russians.
     And there are others involved as well. Ocasio-Cortez voted no on the bill to reopen the government because it continued to fund ICE. It did not really affect anything because Trump would never sign it, but the point is clear. ICE has become increasingly hostile and aggressive in their everyday policies and overall policies. We do need a form of ICE, but it must be tamed, called back from its present stormtrooper mode and into a civilized and compassionate force. So how to end this conundrum? Get some normal people in there who are willing to compromise and who are not worried about their seat but about the country, whose very existential situation is being threatened.
     And yet there are simple lights of hope. A gay man with a husband is running for President. Long shot, but in this atmosphere, who knows. Who ever thought an illiterate tax fraud, bankrupt, morally deficient person would get to be President? We have more women than ever running for that same office and I like Kamala Harris and Amy Globuchar. Think the country is ready for a female double ticket? Why not, for the rest of the world's countries have long ago had women leaders. Only here do we seem to have that problem. We have people who speak out , like Cher, who has a transgender son who refuses to allow the degenerate terms and decisions of Trump to stand unopposed. We even have a man who has an alligator for an emotional support animal. One born every day!
     Seriously, time to take back our country. From Trump and his minions. From the violent. From the haters. From the greedy and the corrupt. From the unqualified. From the pit into which it has fallen, dragging us all along with it.
      This is OUR country and not the country of extremists and liars and selfish people. OUR country. Let us all examine our hearts and souls and find the proper path. If we do not.....

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