Tuesday, March 19, 2019


     Do you hear the sound of the clock? In and out goes the little birdie, tweeting its message on the hour. Sounds famiiar, does it not? There is another cuckoo constantly tweeting, and this one is apparently broken as it tweets in a manic and erratic schedule, at least 50 times from Friday morning thru Sunday evening. And the content was quite telling.
     Bet you did not know that the New Zealand massacre was all about the Cuckoo in the Oval Office and not about the 49 killed. Silly you! Of course, given the twisted logic and limited brain power of the Cuckoo, most of its tweets on this topic were concentrated on denying the evident: there is a most dangerous rise in white supremacy and supremacists and the various and numerous tweets and remarks from this Cuckoo definitely impact upon this fact.
     In fact, there are NO "fine people" from that club! There are no excuses for that club to still exist. The fact that it does is quite telling. Apparently, it is all about the hate and the hatred and the threats. This Cuckoo, that we all know and most certainly do not love, co-opts the phrase "Live Long and Prosper", ironically stated by Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy, who was a proud and open Jew, and accompanied by a Judaic priestly blessing gesture! Wonder what the "fine" people think about that? It is then added to by the Cuckoo with yet another oh so loving phrase - "Be Weak & Die!!"  Ahhh, the love just drips from that awkward mouth, leaks from the damaged brain. But never you mind, for there appears to be no connection between this Cuckoo and the supremacist movement, for so we are told and it is just so easy, is it not, to overlook the obvious and continue to live in a bubble that harms others even as one takes shelter within it, a false and dangerous shelter.
     Musn't overlook the generosity of the Cuckoo, please. Made a big deal over donating his quarterly income check to such a wonderful recipient, so free of calumny and nastiness - Department of Homeland Security. Perhaps they will buy a few more feet of caging fence or some aluminum blankets! Yup, this the same man who proposes a new budget that cuts all funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for Humanities, the Corporation for National Broadcasting (PBS and NPR), and the Institute for Museum and Library Sciences. It oh so generously does allot it funds to shut itself down!!
      The Cuckoo is a barbarian, finding no necessity for the finer aspects of humanity such as culture, learning, literature, music, art, any expressive media at all. Cannot have those subversive things hanging around, you know, Sesame Street, philharmonic orchestras, subversive literature which highlights the progress and the retreat of humanity, and certainly not anything that promotes free thought and speech. Heavens no!!! And just as an aside, wonder how much money went into the bottom line of the Trump Organization via the Presidency of the Cuckoo? Just askin'. Who knows? Only the Cuckoo knows!
     We are so lucky in that this cuckoo is a full service one, for we certainly do not want any logic entering the situation, any consideration for others, for the Cuckoo deems that baaaaddd. Take the federal loan program, you know, the one which has these poor kids and their parents saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt as the colleges raise their tuition fees and the lenders just smile all the way to the bank. So here is Ivanka's clever fix on the whole thing. You remember her, the one who so assuredly and confidently stated, as she just knows this for sure, that people do not want a minimum liveable wage, for sure not, for they feel that is not being earned by their work, so they actually want to work harder to get less money. She knows, for she sees that from her golden perch on high! So, instead of demanding that tuition rates return to a more affordable and proper level, that lenders restrict their terror tactics and their interest rates and arcane rules of repayment guaranteed to trap the lendees in a neverending world of horror, instead of that, loving Ivanka proposses to cap the loans available for the students and oh, for sure, the colleges will then lower their tuition costs! Not my logic or understanding; just straight from the Cuckoo and his daughter, you know the Princess of the proposed dynasty.
     Hate to tell you "I told ya' so! - not really, though. I have been writing and talking about this man from time immemorial it seems, and now even the big dudes and dudettes are stating what I have long said - the man is demented, evil, nasty, a racist and misogynist and yes, even a sociopath as I see no understanding of the human condition nor any interest in learning about it and no attempt made even to disguise this serious lack in the man's makeup.
     Told ya' so! Told ya' so! But this gives me no joy, for we are in a truly dangerous and existential situation. If we allow the Cuckoo to continue unabated, to allow his demented and/or deceived and deluded 'base' to set the tone, to allow the hatred and the fear overwhelm this country, we will have that unthinkable Civil War and what we will see is an end to this country, this experiment that until now has proven to do so well and ask and demand the best of its citizens, that acknowledges errors and is generally willing to improve itself. But no more, if the Cuckoo has its way.
     Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Once a sound that charmed children. Now a word that opens doors to the unthinkable.

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