Wednesday, March 20, 2019


         Is anybody home out there? Is there anybody who can truly understand what the heck is going on and how to fix all the messes we have now? Is there anybody out there who actually can find a neutral space and then begin an ingathering of the tribes of the world, gettting them to put aside their individual differences and work together to actually create a peaceful process for issues, for complaints, for justice? For humanity?
     Somehow, I doubt that. The closest one can get, it seems, is the UN and we all know where that goes, what with the prejudice and bias there against the USA, Israel, and the weighted vote counting and distribution. The biggest violator of human rights can actually be on the UN Human Rights Commission and vote censure motions against another country. Now isn't that special!
     Or we can have another situation where a person has an overdeveloped sense of his own brain power and decides he can solve the problem, one that has been going on for lo these many a year. Kushner, who could not even manage his own company's financial issues, now believes he can rope in multiple countries of the Middle East, do multiple land transfers from one nation to another, solve the Jerusalem issue and bring about peace in the Middle East. My take? Never! Is there anybody home out there to understand the oxymoronic features of these issues? Seems not.
      "... maddening to watch" is the comment we get when Conway was asked why he tweets about Trump. I agree. Just wataching that man talk, with his ridiculous faces and moues, with his constant positioning of his arms across his puffed out chest, in the classic position of "oh, yeah?",  and then listen to the words - the inane, the hateful, the dangerous - well, it is maddening.
     How does one deal with a man whose great joy in life is picking on people, trashing them in public, and is too stupid to realize how it all reflects back on him He is nasty in his tweets about John McCain, a deceased hero, a prisoner of war, tortured for five years, even as Trump received five, FIVE, deferments and disqualifications from the draft for a non existent bone spur excuse written as a favor from a tenant of a  Trump building. Truly! Few wished to be drafted into that war, but no one boasts about it and insures compaison in which he comes off the worst! Talk about "low IQ individuals."
     He tweets about violence, talks about violence, and no, not what he wishes to stop, but how he uses it to threaten his opponents. This is so non presidential tht I wondr, who exactly is home out there? Why do people feel they can  say they do not like his tweets and wish he would stop but otherwise he is doing well. Really? Where? How? Aside from deregulation that will further the climate catastrophe we are facing, and behaving indecently and violently with immigrants, what has he done other than antagonize lawmakers, attempt to destroy the Constitution, generate profits for his own bottom line from his situation as President, and just about become the worst President ever!! Worse than Harding. Worse than Buchanan. Worse, though not by much, than Carter. 
     His mind, or that which passes for it, appears to have little, if any, fucntioning gray matter left. It changes opinions just about every minute on the minute, and pushes for all things guaranteed to bolster himself and not the country. Hence the shady dealings with Russia. Hence the hiring of so many creeps and crooks, surrounding himself with these people-well, look in the mirror and understand what it says about himself. Nothing good, my friends, nothing  good.
     Yet is there anyone home out there? His rallies are truly formatting themselves more and more as hate rallies, inciting and promising violence. There is nothing of substance within them, and when reported on negatively, he rants and raves about Fake News, and demands investigations of shows, of hosts, of any and all who cross him. This, this hatered and these rantings, are so dangerous it is beyond belief and yet, is anybody home out there?
     Does the Democratic Party realize it can win, but it can also lose if it does not get its act together? The young 'whippersnappers' need to learn to temper the idealism with the brute force of reality and work together to make progress, but not destroy the country in the meanwhile. They need to know how and why - no, they should understand the why -to shut down the haters and hatemongers among their people. Quickly! Definitively. They need to work on policies and come up with detailed plans, not just pie in the sky words.
     And they - and we - must work to counter what is happening in our society. There are chat rooms, organizations, who are harping back to a very basic fundamentalist and fascistic concept. Woman have no rights, should not be allowed to vote nor work, and must breed, like cattle, to insure the growth of white population. OMG!!! That in this day and age we can  have these thoughts as a growing cnacer on the Internet, in the world!
     Yesterday I recieved a prime example of the dangerous garbage out there and how people help disseminate it without thinking. It was a whole long rant against Moslems supposedly spoken by the Australian Prime Minsiter, a woman who ran on deceny and civility, and there is a huge spreading of this hate speech right after the shooting at the mosques! Truly! When the falseness of it was pointed out, the incomprehensible alignment of the speech and the woman, one person who had sent it said, "My bad", but is that enough, for it is out there, spreading like cancer at a time when the cures for these types of cancers of society seem to be failing.
     Is there anybody home out there? Knock, knock. Please answer the door with a welcoming smile and an open mind and heart. Please answer. Please take part in working to make this world a better place for all. Let us work together to cut back on this hatred. There was a song that sang of how this group hates the other group and that group hates another and on goes the chain of hatred. Is it not time to stop this chain? And it begins with the catch on the chain - this man who endorses hatred and violence, condemned by the words of his own mouth. And no, he is not 'unique" and above the law. In fact, as President he should be held to a higher code of conduct for he should be setting a GOOD example for the country, not one of hate and violence and dangerous stupidity and incompetence mixed in with greed.
     Is anybody home out there? I hope so. Do you hear the knocking on the door? Answer it before the door is broken in by the forces that wish to tear us apart. Hello? Anybody there?

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