Thursday, March 21, 2019


     This is what Conway tweeted to Trump after the preceding tweet from Trump to him in this ongoing schoolyard battle between two presumably grown men. Yes, Conway certainly has the right to answer Trump after being called names, after having his wife support her boss over her husband! What should have happened is that after Conway criticized Trump, evidently a life endangering act in today's times, he should just have ignored the demented return tweets. To be fair, it is hard to ignore personal attack tweets going viral, but I believe if one ignores the ass, he might stop and go onto other targets - you know, like the deceased John McCain! Just as an aside, please note that Conway is correct in his analysis of the mental state of our illegitimate President, but truth makes no never mind to Trump at all.
     Still and all, I think the better, and more truthful tweet would have been We. Are. Nuts. Yes, we , the people of this country, are besieged and under siege at this time and too many of us are refusing to see what is there, to hear what is being said and denying the truth of the actions or lack of actions in this man's administration.
     Why cannot this country do the simple thing and ban assault rifles, especially after so many horrific mass shootings - and for sure there are more to come if we do not act and NOW! Why is it that 15 days - 15 days! - after the mosques shootings Australia has banned assault rifles? What is the matter with us?  Is it that WE Are Nuts? Is it that we refuse to recognize the gone haywire ethos of our country, particularly during and because of this man's mouthings and actions and the speech and actions of those who follow him or who believe that he has made hatred, prejudice and violence against those we dislike all legal, justified and definitely PC. Whatever the cause or cause - We Are Nuts if we continue to allow this.
     Worse than that, for we are then complicit in the violence that takes place. We should feel the striking of the bullets at innocent individuals as if they struck our own bodies, for by refusing to press our lawmakers on this issue, for allowing the NRA to overrule common and decent sense - we are to share a piece of the blame for the consequences of no action.
     And so much more has become distastefully and even sacreligiously okayed in the distorted world of today's moral climate. People think it is okay to use monuments to horror as selfie backgrounds, balancing on traintracks that brought millions to their death. Running and jumping and juggling on a Berlin Monument to those murdered during the Holocaust. Have we all gone mad? Have we all lost our way? Have we lost all sense of what is proper nd what is right or is all okay in today's world, no boundaries at all?
     Lies have become the coinage of the political world. Why not? It appears that no matter how egregious the lie is, there are always blindly devoted or deluded followers who will believe it and swear to and for it. We. Are. Nuts. We certainly are, for we refuse to see the nakedness of this emperor and his world wide imitators and/or believers. We refuse to see that this man is the present day Pied Piper, leadig us all into a cave of doom or a river of death - take your choice at the ending.
     Over and over again there is a catalogue of lies, written in a most detailed manner and yet, here come more lies. Defeats of enemies are predicted to happen today, tomorrow, yesterday, three weeks from today, whenever, yet there he goes again. Lives have been destroyed due to this man and his followers, due to the weak and cowardly ways of the Republicans in Congress who refuse to stand up to this man and instead kneel before him, groveling for his approval. Anna had it right when she sang , "Yes, Your Majesty, No, Your Majesty. Give us a kick if you wish, Your Majesty!" It is sad, even more than that, when we see grown people shed all their rights as legislators, shred the words and principles of the Constitution, all for a tiny little piece of the pie or perhaps it is a bigger piece of the pie in private life as their business dealings and the bottom lines will have been much improved due to what has been happening in this country. Shame on all of us!
     A Texas homeowner discovered that there were 45 rattlesnakes under his home and some were mammoth. He only discovered this by accident and had to call in help. Well, folks, we have rattlesnakes too under our foundations and they are shooting their venom into the foundations on a daily basis and it just is not good! We need to find and punish these 'rattlesnakes', get them out of our 'home' and reinspect, rebuild, renovate and rehab where necessary. There is no other choice. No other hope for us.
     If we continue to ignore our responsibilities and our roles in this national disaster, then we will get what some of us deserve. As for the rest, well, take a look at your kids and then ask them what they think. They are more politically aware, in tune with reality than most adults. It was kids who staged a national walkout on Friday for the environment. It is the kids who are frightened at their onrushing future and the Mad Max world it will turn into as people fight for survival at its most basic levels. Think this is an exaggeration? Go ask the people of Great Britain who were told only yesterday that their island is going to run out of sufficient water quite soon. Talk to the people of Flint, Michigan. Talk to the people whose children have been struck by cancers of a most horribe nature due to the pollution of the very land they are living upon - something people knew about but ignored.
     We.  Are.  Nuts. Yes, the sobriquet fits and will continue to do so if we allow the man who is nuts to continue to lead us to perdition. He is not immune or above the law and when his alleged crimes and misdeeds, civil and/ or criminal are revealed, he must be prosecuted, be it in impeachment hearing and conviction or the courts of the country. The law is the law. Decency and compassion are just that, and as he has shown none to those who need it, we need show him none as well. Harsh sounding, maybe, but the truth. We need to see that and understand it. The alternative is simply not a viable one if we wish to survive as the United States of America in all its glory, all its rights and responsibilities. I do not even like nuts, so how ironic is that!

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