Friday, April 19, 2019

AND.....WAIT FOR IT.......PFFFT!!!

     And what the hell was that? Seems to me that Barr stood up there as an apologist and defender of his master, the sociopath Trump, even as he could not block the truth from coming out as the partially redacted report was revealed. Rosenstein stood there with the thousand yard stare of the war damaged individual, the PTSD victim. One day, when he has recovered himself from wherever he has been stashed, what a story he can tell!!
     Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the sociopath is crowing away as he realizes he got away with it - at least for the moment, but what should have been done yesterday now drags on into the future, into the courts, even as the actions of him and his stooges, his dangerous stooges, were laid out in front of the nation.
     Why was there not that final step taken? Frankly, because as far as I am concerned, Mueller wimped out. He went up to the edge of the diving board and then went right back down the ladder. Why he did so remains a mystery, an unfortunate one for the country, as it leaves the whole issue unresolved, unfinished and has left us in a precarious state for the continuation of our nation as we know it.
     So there were numerous instances of Trump/Russia meetings. It is acknowledged that Russia and Trump were in a mutual admiration society, each knowing that they were the best for each other, and yet, and charges because Junior and the rest were too dumb!!!!! to understand their actions? Really? And the developmentally challenged one who commits murder and is then sentenced to death and executed - so how was too smart, brain power not important, what? Where and how and who drew these contradictory lines? 
     It is acknowledged that Trump knew what was going on, even demanded more actions, but his aides stopped him by not obeying and here we are again. Is not intent a part of the body of law which supposedly runs the country? Is not ignorance before the law not an excuse and how many people have been incarcerated due to their ignorance of the law?
     Trump just knew he was F****d, knew his presidency was over - and then pfffttt!! He got away with yet another series of misdeeds, just as he had done in his entire civilian life with taxes, with loans, with all kinds of situations and statements. He was a sleaze from the beginning and just a moral creep who believed in his damaged mind and brain that he could do whatever the hell he wanted to and no one could say no to him and his freakish actions and thoughts. Harass and molest women, be a serial cheating husband, be a terrible father, a terrible person, and a dangerous president for the country, for what the hell..... he is Trump!!
      So here we are and go again. The Republican Senators and House members are content, no, eager, to defend him, this traitor, this immoral, repugnant creep, this person who actually did take steps that led to Russian intervention, and G-d alone knows what agreements verbally were made to the detriment of the country. Our country!!
     The details are there. The actions are there. The misdeeds and potential indictments and future convictions are there - and yet there he sits, rubbing his hands together in anticipation of what else he can now do without fear of the law. And what do we get? Well, we now have videos of militias taking the law into their own hands at the borders. White supremacists, fascists, and where does it end, for it never does. Why not be an urban militia? Why not arrest those Jews who have a dual loyalty according to their twisted thinking? Why not arrest women who fail to conform to their fundamentalist religious and social beliefs? You see there is never an end once the hole is poked in the dike of laws that protect us and our country.  
     And now what? I hope the Democrats persist in their efforts and definite and permanent steps taken. One would hope that Trump would resign but that will never happen. We have taken a dangerous step in our history, imperiled our survival as America, the land of the Statue of Liberty, but I am not hopeful. Not at all.
     Just how will this Pffffffft from yesterday develop, will the Congress find its courage and do the right thing? Who the hell knows and more importantly, exactly who the hell cares and if they do, will they actually take the necessary steps to keep our country whole? Who the hell knows!!!

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