Thursday, April 18, 2019


     The country holds its collective breath. Or maybe not. Will the whole truth, and nothing but the truth come out? Or will it not? Protect individuals who have not been charged? But why? If there is concrete proof that they have, if not violated the letter of the law, they have violated the spirit, with their own mean spirit, then why not? And what the hell is with this conference by Barr before the release? Is it to excuse his heavily redacted report? Is it to continue his pre reveal tactics, like writing his own 4 page report and ignoring the reports on each section by the investigating attorney? Is it to keep the creep in office? Trump has evidently usurped yet another Department of the government, making it his own rather than belonging to the nation and here we are just sitting here with our thumbs who knows where, doing nothing and having no plans for any contingency. We appear to be useless, hopeless, as we confront a man with no morals who has gathered other like minded individuals all around him, to protect him as he watches his damned TV, sends out vile and vicious tweets, and then goes off to play golf! Oh, and give a medal to a man who played a good game of golf and never mind his perverted behavior with women, for why not, as the man giving the medal is an established self confessed hush money paying pervert himself.
     So the question is - are we hopeless and helpless in this case? Are we going to have to endure this man and his minions through 2020 and will we have a recognizable nation left at that point?
      And do you think that we should be assured that there are all viable candidates on the Democratic side? Do not be fooled. O'Rourke is showing his own signs of prejudice and now he does not like that after he released his taxes that people wanted to know why he was such a cheapo when it came to giving charity? One third of one percent!! Truly? Such a deep and giving heart and hand - NOT!! Again, I maintain that if a President is to be the role model for the nation, then let it have happened prior to the whitewash or attempted one when running for office. And please, let it not focus on the behavior of a woman, if she is strong minded or a tad bossy or a believer in firm control over a staff. Goose and gander, folks, goose and gander, so if it is okay for a male to boast about these very same traits, it is okay for the female as well.
     I am far more concerned with other problems. What do we do now that Trump has irritated the other madman over there in North Korea who is threatening a new weapon and demands his own input as to whether to keep Pompeo or not?
     So today it is - or not? We have crowds on the border. We have an administration that is openly and massively violating the civil rights of asylum seekers, crowing cruelty and proud of it. We have a new virus that is killing people. We have a quickly growing rate of people afflicted with Parkinson and cancer still ravages humanity. We have warnings about the danger of AMERICAN drinking water ! We have the rights to control one's own body, at least for women, being turned back, even as the majority of the people oppose the new legislation. We have  people playing havoc with our country, using positions and taxpayer funds to build a real good life for themselves, their bottom lines and those of their good buddies. And we have those benighted people who still have a negative and even violent opinion about  differing orientations. Add in other issues of humanity as you choose. There are many and we are doing nothing, for the orientation of this administration is all to the selfish, the hateful, the nasty and the encouraging of violence, even as a man walks into St. Pats with gasoline cans and a lighter, as more people are killed but we do nothing about gun control, and the list goes on and on and on and on.
     Today is it? Maybe, but what exactly will the IT be? Will anyone even care?

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