Tuesday, April 9, 2019


     It is hard to know what to say anymore,when each day,no, each half hour, seems to bring around yet another outrage of Trump madness. His imbecility, his madness, his degenerate beliefs and behaviors, are all awful, leading to an increasingly unsettled and unbalanced country. But worse than that are the  moral misdeeds and plans, the ones he keeps coming back to, the ones which suborn the moral degeneration of others, either too mean and nasty with hate or too weak to withstand him and his nefarious and evil, yes, evil plans.
     His actions have crossed the border into awfulness, if we can use such a word. They mirror the actions of other dictators from both the past and the present. Killing off the judiciary's independence by appointing unqualified judges, limiting and even destroying any meaningful powers of the executive branch to curb his own exaggerated powers, and the immoral content of these actions are just too powerful a signpost of what his future plans are.
      What brings anger to my heart even as it breaks my heart, as it torments my soul, as it brings to mind awful pictures and memoirs of the Holocaust, of genocide like actions of today, where parents and children are ripped apart, separated without compunction, even killed or lost somewhere in the shuffle - and we, here in this country - cannot reunite families because we have LOST their children - well words are not powerful enough to adequately explain this. We have also begun oh so well to build a new generation of children who will hate us for condemning them to a life filled with anger, hate, sickness, lack of love, of parents, for mental disorders due to improper early childhood years and on and on - and what do you think these grown up children might do?
     However, without thinking of the future, just think of today and the god awful plans of Trump to reignite and yes, I use that word, the policy of separation again and a supposed choice given to parents - either voluntarily give up their children, waiving their rights and their parents for life, or keep the kids together with them for however long their case takes - could be years - in jail like conditions. Back to the iceboxes, the aluminum blankets, the lack of care, of education, of love, of grass and sun and what else?!!!Goood G-d what else!!!!
     Should this happen again, should there be enough people who will carry out this policy and give the excuse that it is simply their job! and they are following orders, well, that would be the breaking point, the last straw, for me. And so it should be for all of us, whether you agree with immigration in large numbers or not, for this is a question of humanity, of morality, and nothing else. Are we going to emulate the Nazis and what is the next step, as some of his advisers, Miller maybe - advocate even harsher methods and what is that? Starve them? A bullet in the back of the neck perhaps? Mass graves? Slave labor for the fields and factories? What? Where are we going? And do not make that mistake that it can never, will never, go that far. You would be so wrong, so terribly wrong.
     Should that happen, each and every one of us who cares, who understands morality, humanity, should go stand somewhere and protest, protest, yell and shout, demand, disobey, do whatever is necessary to stop that policcy, to even stop it from happening again. Government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". Just what are those people like? What do these people demand? How strong are they? How humane are they? How morally strong are they? How determined are they? Or is it how hateful and weak and fearful are they? We would or will or already have to take sides so think carefully.Truly examine, deep and long, your soul. Go deeper. Think what this all means. My heart is breaking. I thought my days of protest would have been long over by now. Guess not.

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