Wednesday, April 10, 2019


     That is what was said by Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto as he signed a gun control law while accompanied by relatives of the murdered synagogue members. In an instant, the NRA files a lawsuit against the bill. Guess we need to have more slayings, more violence, and, I guess, more murders of Jews in the name of the Second Amendment! Well, I, too, say, "Enough is Enough!"
     Counter narcotics money, against the will and purview of Congress, was assigned to two companies to build more of a useless and unnecessary wall to allegedly stop narcotic traffic across the border, even as we know that it generally comes in via legal ports of entry! So why not station more Border security there? Well, because they are needed to stop those pesky brown people running for their lives from gangs, from domestic violence, from dire poverty, even as the oh so warm and generous Trump tells people that "America is full. You cannot come in.". That, even as employers are begging for more workers. Even as Trump's hotels and clubs are gettting their workers without a hitch. Enough is Enough!!
     This man, this bigot, this hater, has now increased the level of race hatred, of bigotry, of racial division in the country, decides unilaterally that there is no room? Would that his grandfather has been told that and what a different world we would now have had! A survey reports that well over half the country believes that racial division in the country has soared, is so much worse than before and guess who they feel caused this? Duh!!! Got it? Oh yeah! Trump!!! Indeed, Enough is Enough!
     American government is supposed to be built on transparency as the government is supposedly for the people! Well, guess again. Three Florida Congresswomen went to inspect a child detention center - don't those words just ring in your ears! - in Homestead, Florida, and were stopped before entry, denied entry. The excuse - security needs demand a minimum two weeks notice before entry!! Truly? For what? So they can clean up the abusive conditions? Can hide the damaged children? Can take away the mats and the mylar? Can bring in some real food, fruit, fresh clothing, clean up the babies? What are they hiding? And who are these people who will take these jobs, these abusive and soul shattering jobs, jobs that harden the heart and only encourage more traffic down the oh so wrong and dangerous paths.
     This center is privately run, and again, it seems we have learned nothing from the recent scandal at another privately run facility where the children were held in freezing cages on the floor, dirty, neglected and yes, abused. And yes, there are still children being held, children unlocated for return to parents, children who are unaccompanied minors, left to rot as family members here are afraid to get them lest they, too, are grabbed up and thrown out, never mind the years spent here raising American children, contributing to the economy. Never mind, for they are little brown people so who cares!!
     Enough is Enough!! Why are children being held in detention centers, treated as criminals? There are 2,000 in that Homestead center, or jail, for call it as it is, and they are expecting at least another 1,200 as that cruel and demented man, Trump, and his awful and evil henchmen ramp up for more separations. What are the preparations? What about food, shelter fit for children, education, welfare, health, aid to enter life here in the country, welcome them as America should welcome in fresh blood, fresh ideas. Are we going to go back to the times when we gave in to prejudice and hatred? Are we going to build more internment camps? Hey, just recondition the old Japanese internment camps and there ya' go!! Enough is Enough!!
     Meanwhile, the rest of the remaining officials in the administration, awaiting their turn for wheels of a bus, are stammering and hemming and hawing over the handing over of records of tax returns. We find that the Treasury Department and the White House have had illegal meetings about these tax returns. Quelle surprise!!! Mnuchin wants to take his baba and go home even as Waters continues to ask hard questions that need answering. Barr is busy in his off hours playing with his black marker, all the better to continue to hide the truth even as it continues to leak out. Enough is Enough!!
     I am so tired of this. I feel my whole being is besmirched by the filth that spews out every second from this administration. So are the hearts and souls of so many others here in America. We need to return to our values and yes, they are democratic values. And yes, we are a democracy. Never mind what the 'conservatives' i.e. the nativists wish to change. Enough is Enough!!
     Demand change. Demand action against this awful behavior. Demand that these plans be cancelled. Demand that children not be detained unless it be in a clasroom for homeowrk violations!! Not for dreaming of a future here in a land that allows for dreaming and a land that does not separate children from parents!!! In the turning away from these awful plans and actions we have not done enough. I hope and pray that we rise to the challenge and do the right thing. There is never enough of that. Certainly not in the America of the moment.

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