Thursday, April 11, 2019


      Sorry for the delay, as I was hanging around in an MRI machine, trying to retain my sanity, so it is late I am. However, there is a silver lining for as the noise was duh duh duhing around me I had to think of other things and a great oldie song came on. "C'mon, people, smile on your brother, everybody get together, gotta love one another right now."
     And I thought to myself, a tad simplistic, but why not? Why is it that we adapt so easily to hatred, but fight against seeing each other as just like us, and at least smile on them, at them, with them. Yes, there are cultural differences that at times clash, but are there not enough similarities amongst humanity that could counter these differences?  
     Another song asked what war was good for and the answer, obviously, was nothing!! Yes, there are wars that at times must be fought, but there are also wars that should and could have been avoided with just a tad more insight and forethought. However, how can one talk"turkey" fairly and objectively with the "other side" if we hate each other?
     As I look back on the years of my life and those that remain, I wonder what has been gained by all the hatred, by the wars for power and territory, for the wars of religious differences. Could there not have been another, more fair and safer method, pathway to avoid these wars? Why are we still threatening each other with nuclear bombs of all sizes and types? Why do we think it is an advancement when we invent a bomb that will kill the enemy but leave the infrastructure standing for our use? Why are we still working on chemical and biological weapons, albeit in secret and when I write we, I mean all of us, all of humanity? Why is it considered prestigious when a poverty stricken country, warring with its neighbors, even as it cannot feed its people or protect the health of its citizens, or the rights and safety of women, educate its children, why is it considered so wonderful and boastful that they have joined the nuclear nations!?
     In One Tin Soldier, the treasure on earth was the guide written on a stone - Peace on earth and goodwill for all men - which was then destroyed by those who were disappointed that the treasure was not gold nor diamonds. Mankind has often lost its way, but is it not time that we return to the correct path, the only one which gives us hope for the future?
     Only if we give up reinforcing our hatred of others, of thinking that we will advance as a nation, as a world, if we batter others with our hatred, only if we give that up will we be able to sit down and work together to solve the Gordian knot of so many issues and cooperate as we try to resolve those threats to our actual continued existence on this planet - all of us, for disasters make no discriminations among religions, colors, orientations of all kinds or whatever other differences we have made so important. Why? For what?
     I know this might sound a bit simplistic, but I know it is probably the most dificult task of all - (Second to trying to figure out Trump!) (Sorry, could not resist.) But if we do not try, if we do not reprioritize our needs, rank them truly, then it will not make a difference, not in the long run, for we will not have a long run, but in the short run to our self induced destruction. 
     Think about the energy wasted on hating and hatred. Think about those you hate. Think about how others hate you. Think about the misdeeds and awful actions taken in the name of G-d and Heaven. Think about what would truly please G-d and all of humanity. Think hard, soon and long, for it is far better to share the world with all of us, to work together, to smile at each other, than to shoot each other and waste our time in hatred, rather than fixing the world, and teaching the next generations to hate as well, condemning them to deep tragedy and risk. Think.

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