Thursday, April 25, 2019


     The title comes from a most important document which declared our independence from a tyrant and his minions and our justification of the move. We added to it with the Constitution and we persevered through major difficulties and even rebellions and kept our country as the United States of America. We established laws, groped our way through darkness and evil and backwards thinking and continued to do so, hopefully always moving forward and correcting our errors when we took backward steps. We were not perfect, but we tried.
     Today, today is different. Today we have a man who governs by  tweets, angry, insulting, dangerous lying tweets rather than by consensus, bipartisanship, and the laws of our government. He has blatantly violated the terms of the agreements of the three branches of government, suborning one by appointing incompetent and backward thinking judges, challenged the cleanliness of the executive branch by appointing corrupt individuals to office and is now challenging the legislative branch in a major campaign that will turn the country into something that it is not.
     The President is not meant to be a dictator nor a king. Washington made that clear when he turned down the offer of  a crown and we seem to have forgotten this as we have  the present day President, G-d help us, trying to move ever forward in his quest to become THE authoritarian figure of the country. He has openly challenged the Congress, turned aside legal documents, twisted the truth, lied incessantly, and attempted obstruction so defiantly that there should be no doubt in the mind of anyone about what he has done. And what he will continue to do, will continue to accelerate in his quest for the real or symbolic throne.
     He is governing in secrecy. He is defying the law. He is demented and should the man ever have a brain scan, the truth will out. He seems to think that serving as a source of humor will keep his base in line, but even they are beginning to realize that he has made empty promises, promises full of hot air and cold hatred and it is not good for
them or the country.
     So, when in the course of human events.....  Time to think. No, I am not espousing armed conflict though it is obviously there as a distinct possibility as militias flourish, dare to take their own armed moves, as the border has heated up with the insane man's posting of armed soldiers to a once peaceful border with Mexico, challenging the rule of posse comitatus. He has refused to answer our questions to explain himself, a la George III and Parliament. He has imposed levies and taxes without our consent. He has harmed us, our freedom, our rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and must answer for these and other offenses. He is not above the law. No one is. No one is. No one is.
     So when in the course of our human events.... well, we need to ask ourselves what we need to do.  Our choice is clear, the road and its forks are clear and our responsibility to ourselves, the world, the present and the future of humanity, all rest in our hands. Either we demand that the man answer for his crimes, alleged and proven, or we throw up our hands and say to just forget it. It is easier to allow someone else to make all the decisions, is it not!! Well, I disagree vehemently with that thinking and so should we all.
     When in the course of human events...….

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