Wednesday, April 24, 2019


     Yesterday was quite a day. We all went to Sea World, where I have not been for about fourteen years and what a difference those years have made. It has been upgraded, improved, expanded and has a wonderful mix of shows, rides, demonstrations and a goodly amount of benches and shade. Workers were polite and helpful and there was not one voice raised in anger, not one push to get somewhere faster, and only a few meltdowns by little ones which were worked out quickly. Even Sesame Street has come to stay!
     It appeared as if there are two distinct Americas. One is the country of before, the time when we were united as Americans, the most important arrow in our quiver. Disagreements were handled properly and there were no bitter tones and words and for the most part, government functioned as it should, with three distinct branches, public servants and bipartisanship.
      That was before. The after is what we now have. The after is when a sitting President complains to Twitter about the number of his followers!!The after is when fighting and nasty words are used to describe political opponents, or even aides who have displeased one. Bipartisanship is a word and idea of the past and it seems more and more likely to disappear from our political lexicon.
     When one has a President who more and more behaves as the Mad Monarch, assuming he can control all and everyone, who says he can control his aides and Congress through use of executive privilege, well, we have troubles in our 'after' world. Spout as much hot air as you wish, but accepting help from Russia is, if not collusion in the legal sense, then is just as bad in the moral nd reality sense. When one continues to obstruct investigation into obstruction, well, the odor permeates the air. Why fight so hard unless there is so much to hide? The truth is, is that Trump is just about the worst thing that has happened to this country, for no other time, save during the height of the anti Vietnam War protests, has the fabric of this country ever been so threatened, almost to the point of no return. But at least then we had Presidents who recognized the truth of the matter, the danger to the country, and they did what they had to do.
     Today we have the greedy public thieves, who see the government as a huge barrel of opportunities for them to enrich themselves and their friends and to hell with the American people. Today we have a Party that refuses to behave and do its  job -  to stand up for their constituents and not for the President against all unreasonable and even criminal activity. It is the job of all to recognize the inability of this man to speak a word of truth in a well constructed sentence. It is their business to recognize that the ostensible leader of their Party is morally, intellectually, in any way, suited for his position and the fact that he is there and they support him mindlessly - well, it speaks for itself, does it not.
     This Demented One is just about beyond the limits of all that is reasonable and just. I have long ago spoken and written about armed conflict and lo and behold look at the militia situation in New Mexico where one white supremacist throwback to fascism of the worst kind (is there a good one, actually?) is refusing to back down and insists it will stay there and keep on rounding up migrants. Their excuse - the Border patrol wants them there. Well, do we have one government or are we truly beyond the pale and reached the point where the armed forces of various people will take over the rule of the country and DC will prove to be useless, worthless? Is this the after country that is now becoming the present day country? Forever?
     A long time politician registered for over 50 years as a Republican has announced his resignation and intention to register as a Democrat. His reasoning? He cannot support Trump any more - "reckless spending, short sighted financial policies, erratic destabilizing foreign policy and his disregard for environmental policies."
     He continues further, and adds that Trump has fueled "an unprecedented divisiveness and sets a poor example "hurling insults at those who disagree with him and his frequent disregard for the truth." He wants, he says, "no part of it."
      The words speak for themselves and for countless millions and billions here in the country and around the world. Before and after and now. Who ya gonna call? The ghostbusters will not do here. We are the ones to call and though we can still have beautiful family days such as the one we had yesterday, how many more are in the cards? Before, after and now, Choose.

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