Tuesday, April 23, 2019


     Hamlet asked himself if he wished to be or not, to live or die. I kind of think that we here in America are at that point too. No, not physically, but as a nation, for if we do not act we will voluntarily be destroying our country. It will no longer 'be' due to our inactions and poor actions.
     Hamlet was paralyzed by his situation and a man of action, a man known as a warrior, came to an agonized standstill as he failed in light of his dilemma and the actions which needed to be taken. Overthinking just about destroyed him and led to the inevitable ending of it all.
      This country also seems to be stunned into paralysis by what has been happening, never recovering from the morning after effect and result of the presidential elections in 2016. Almost immediately, we should have taken steps to invalidate the results as say what they wish, there was evil there, interference, and please, when there are so many Russians underfoot that they were practically a carpet in the Trump campaign, there is mischief afoot. When someone, many someones, try to obstruct the investigation, there is mischief afoot. And when a man who is obviously demented, a moral pervert, a liar from the getgo, who refuses to recognize the truth when it slaps him in the face, there needed to be action taken, to be proactive - and we were not.
     Worse, the country has become paralyzed and then allowed pure evil, pure demented evil, to take over as we stood there doing nothing but wringing our hands and crying about the falling sky!! Well, Chicken Little or not, Hamlet or not, we have come to the breaking point. The insanity is contagious. Heretofore decent men have stood their ground at the boundaries of their beliefs, have recognized the primacy of the country over their own selfish needs and wishes and their damned bottom lines. At least enough times to allow for the country to function as it should for the most part.
     They have now caved. Witness Graham's bizarre speech at Ivanka's Women's Conference in Africa. Weird is putting it kindly; insane is the truth, and here we are seeing the effects of he Demented One's behavior and thinking and the corruption of our government, the loss of decency and government service as it should be. Perhaps I have regained too much of my early years and its idealism, but there has to be a better way than this hate filled, morally perverted demented man now sitting in the Oval Office chomping his Big Macs and watching Fox news even as they too begin to see the disaster he is, but too little and way too late. 
     This is the paralysis this man has induced in the nation. I do not know what it is or why, but evidently people are finding themselves comfortable as the hitherto hidden or suppressed feelings of hatred and prejudice are allowed to rise to the surface and in return we have an increasingly bizarre turn toward the past and the demeaning and useless examinations of past figures of society in various aspects. Taking down a statue of Kate Smith who purposely introduced G-d Bless America, written by a Jewish immigrant and hence rejected by the powers that be, will not solve anything. It is just plain dumb and major overkill. How about, instead of that, we actually go after the perverts of today, the haters of today, have the courage of our convictions and speak the truth about living people? Huh!! As if that will ever happen, for it is much easier to attack those who cannot speak back, with actions that are useless, meaningless.
     So what to do? Hence the title of the posting. Do we impeach or not? The man and his minions, his critters akin to the flying monkeys of the Wicked Witch, who blindly obey her commands, need to be exposed, to be presented naked in their filth, naked and exposed to all, and hopefully, the blind of society who still make excuses for him will open their eyes to the truth.
     The House can indict. It will make a firm and historic statement. It will demonstrate to the future that we did not continue to standby as America was taken down. It will expose the ugly truth of this administration and the inexplicable twisting of the souls who became demented too - Barr, Graham, McConnell, Cohen, McGahn, Giuliani, Huckabee Sanders, et al, ad infinitum, ad nauseum!! It is time, way past time. And if the Senate will not convict, well, then it will prove to the world that the Republican Party has finally admitted its trashing of its roots, of Lincoln, of its humanity. Hopefully, it will bring about the defeat of these cowards in the next election and how wonderful would it be if it forced the Demented One to resign. Ahhh, one can dream!
     There is no No or Maybe about it. Impeach the creep and let the chips fall where they may. Let the truth come out. Let our voices be heard.

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