Thursday, June 13, 2019


          A wonderful duet for the song Enough is Enough was sung by these two talented women. They had enough of dealing with a miserable man and isn't that coincidental as we, too, have had enough from a miserable man. Theirs had no name but ours does - Donald Trump.
     I wonder where the line will be finally drawn. I wonder when the Republicans will stop their blind adoration or commitment to their ostensible leader and recognize his true nakedness, his true malevolent personality and behavior. I wonder when or even if they will find the courage, the moral strength to deny him and his lies,his ugliness of speech and mouth, his nasty behavior, indeed his bizarre behavior and state out loud that the man is a danger to himself and to the United States and needs to be committed.
     Time and time again he has gotten away with 'murder' in the figurative sense, though if one wishes to stretch the point a tad, the deaths of those migrant kids are upon him for he instigated the inhumane attitudes and polices of the Border people that led to these deaths and who the hell knows if there is a larger number being hidden.
     His mouth and his conduct have become more and more bizarre, way out of the norm and yet what would have brought down other governmental figures is just glossed over by members of his Party and on the man goes. His interview with Anderson Cooper just about blew me away. Here the man shouts at anyone who will listen and in fact, to anyone who won't, that he is innocent of collusion and now we can understand why he might say that. If a foreign power were to come to his aid with 'info' on an opponent, he not only would take it, and use it, but sees nothing wrong in it, allowing foreign interference in our most sacred rite, but also sees no reason to go to the FBI with it. Huh!! So of course there was no collusion as he took the contacts and the info from the Russians in the previous campaign.
     At that moment, he should have been arrested and charged with treason and/or collusion and definitely insanity! Again, if that man were to be given a true test of mental stability and sanity, given a PET scan of the brain, conclusive proof would be right there that under Article 25 he is unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of his office. Period!! And I just love when he accuses Biden and others of being weak and sick, of hiding health issues as he obviously deflects his issues onto others.
     The latest touch in the filth and corruption of this administration, of blatant exposure of racial hatred, of fascistic tendencies is the horrific Census question of citizenship. It is tied up in knots with gerrymandering and keeping the Republican party in control in states and in the Senate, destroying the Voting Rights Act as they illegally and falsely take away voting rights of many, especially minorities, and with a deep and nasty motivation kept secret for as long as possible but as I have always said - the truth will out - and the putridness of it all, the nastiness of it all, is pouring out.
     Enough is Enough!! So they sang and so too should we sing. The hatred and divisiveness he has brought to our country, the danger he has caused and is continuing to cause to the existential state of the world in the very near future, his moral perversions, the constant lies, so many that the White House Correspondents Association is taking official steps to fight back to the lies they are told and the lies they are forced to bring to the public. Never before have we reached this point. Never! Certainly rings the bells of danger, does it not?
     I, and many others, are tired of this, angry, depressed, agitated for the future. We are wondering constantly how so many are so blind and deaf to the rumbles of fascism coming out of Washington, to the stench of corruption and moral turpitude emanating from this administration.
     Enough is Enough! Enough!!!

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