Wednesday, June 12, 2019


     Take a look around you and value what you see. I think that sometimes we forget the little, allowing it to become lost in the whirlwind of life today and doubly forget that the 'litle' is actually the big stuff of life.
     We just came off a week marking the graduation of a grandchild, a visit to a daughter, meeting and greeting old and new friends, and the simple happy moment of being able to take a short walk on a beautiful day, holding hands and enjoying the beautiful flowers and plantings. Top it off with calls from the other kids and grandkids and one has a perfect week. Oh, and must not forget the birthday cake finished with whipped cream and the yummy trifle made as a gift for a birthday. Sometimes one can feel that the cup indeed doth runneth over - with good stuff.
     But unfortunately, the other side of life has the ability to butt in, to smear the good and try to diminish it. We are at a serious place on the scale of losing liberties that Americans have taken for granted and thus do not understand the danger signs, believing they are safe for all eternity. They are not! It is then that the potpourri begins to emit a nasty odor as the materials begin to rot.
     During the early reign of Hitler the Reichstag basically voted itself out of life, becoming a rubberstamp for the dictats of Hitler and aided and abetted the downslide of Germany into the worst murderers in the history of mankind. Whether one believes it or not, or wants to believe it or not, our Senate at this point has done the same thing and the House was going straight there until the Democratic Party won it back, though they are stymied by the inaction of the Senators. 
    As a 'reward' for this, we have gotten prime time entertainment 24/7/365 from the President. In the midst of deeply emotional and significant moments, he finds the times and the interest to denigrate his opponents, getting into feuds with them, carrying on over Twitter, and just disgracing himself and our country. We have one part of government taking off after another, or ignoring the misdeeds of the other and its Secretary of the moment. We have incestuous relations between the executive branch and the legislative branch, with corruption right there in the open. Elaine Chao, the corrupt Secretary of Transportation, hears the whine of her husband, the pathetic tool of Trump in the Senate, as he says he needs more projects in Kentucky, and appoints a special liasion to Kentucky to work with them on grants, but oh, there was nothing nefarious here. No, just ask them!!
     We have allowed the fresh aromas of new potpourri to mix withthe stench of the rotting one that needs to be thrown out and do not even understand how deeply we have bought into the corruption of the reeking potpourri. The Southern Baptists, perhaps ashamed at the image they have gotten as they did nothing to change the sexual abuse going on in their churches, now vote to expel churches that have not tackled this problem. But wait!!! The stench grows. How can they then support the biggest and most famous pervert in the history of our Presidency? How can they then support a man who is the epitome of moral perversion in as many areas as one can think of. And thus, the potpourri degenerates into a reeking and stagnant mess.
    So perhaps we need to wake up and not smell the coffee, but smell the rotting potpourri and understand that the rot will overwhelm the aromas, and all that we treasure, all the little and the big joys of life will go under, buried under the rotting leaves and flowers. Think about that the next time you refill your potpourri bowl. Next time you trash the rotting and reeking bowl, think about how it is so necessary that we trash the rotting leaves of governmental potpourri and vote them out, trash their 'privileges'. Refill the bowl with the aromas of liberty, of justice, of fair play, of environmental concern, of humanity, of hope rather than despair.

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