Tuesday, June 4, 2019


     Okay, full disclosure. This piece of news really got to me. First I laughed, but then I thought, actually, this reveals America today. “You can’t manage that today, in this dope-filled world, get in a long tube with a bunch of demons." Well, I fly commercial all the time, as do the majority of Americans and I have yet to meet up with a demon! Perhaps I am taking the wrong flights, you know, the ones without demons, but then again, how is one to know who is and who isn't? Guess one has to be a huge televangelist with the balls to cheat his deluded followers, you know, the same 'demons' he asks to fund him every damned time he gets up there to preach!
     Then I thought some more. Hey, maybe the guy is actually right. No, not about the demons who fly commercial, but what about the 'demons' who seem to have infested our country's administration as well as the rest of the world?
     Need an example? How about the nefarious plan of Trump et al to exclude people from the census, all the better to steal funding and support to Democratic areas? How about the aim of this plan - to cut the voting rights of so many, to frighten them nigh on to death so they hide, afraid to come out to vote? This cannot happen here, in  America, you say - wrong, so wrong. It has happened and is happening and is a larger modern interpretation of the Jim Crow laws applied to all who displease his majesty, Donald Trump et al.
     Oh, there are demons around, but actually, none. These 'demons' are not supernatural or religious figures sent by someone above or below. NO, they are us. Yes, us. When we forget our humanity, when we forget who we are and the true purpose of humanity here on earth, then we become the demons, the same demons that offend that evangelist who is apparently much more sensitive to outing them! Bet you never suspected the demonology connection of that old man, you know, the one with the oxygen bag mechanism or that three year old cutie who keeps peeking over the back of the chair! Get real, folks, get real.
     We are in fact the demons of the world today when and if we do nothing to oust the real demons of the world. These are the people who think it great to plan and read of the stories of migrants in Mexico being rousted lest heaven forbid they actually reach America, feel safe, raise a family of Americans, open a business or find a dirty job that Americans will not do - dirty hands, you know - for oh, no. The gates need to  be shut. Ask the televangelist who recognizes demons that the rest of us cannot see.
     So how do we solve this apparent immigration crisis? Solve the problems that lead to people fleeing for their lives, for the lives and actual lives of their children, threatened by gangs, forced to participate in gang activities, to become the 'girlfriend' of a member. Instead of using funding to set up a Removal!!!!!! department - G-d, that title gets me. Are humans trash that we remove them? On what schedule - regular pickups, bulk? Get the dangerous nonsense of this? Anyway, send those same funds where they will actually do some good. Help root out those gangs. Help establish better farming , more industry, set up funding for microbusinesses, educate children, see to safety and hope rather than fear and despair. But this simple idea seems to be above and beyond the minds of these idiots or perhaps it is that they truly enjoy seeing awful pictures, enjoy the thought of sending that family back after they walked thousands of miles in the name of hope.
     Nope, the demons are us, those of us who partake of this truly evil administration we now have or who simply sit by and cheer it on, or give up in apathy. America sat glued to Jeopardy for weeks only to finally see him go down - to a college librarian - ha!!!!- the power of books and the knowledge contained therein. Would that we sit or better stand with such attention to protest that man, Trump, that man Copeland of demon sensing fame and mockery of his listeners, all the flying devils who feed on hate, on violence, on bloodshed, on the return of dictatorships, who stomp on what America should be, was meant to be, was striving to be - until now.
     Our so called Department of Justice has been politicized. There are attempts to do the same to our armed forces. There are attempts to run the government by dictat, rather than by the Constitution. These efforts are having their effects, so, people, fellow demons and offenders of Copeland who says he cannot talk to G-d when in a commercial jet, funny, because I have found one can talk to G-d anywhere, let us join together, join with the protesters of the world, join with Melania, who cannot tolerate even holding the chief demon's hands for more than three seconds, join and let us fight the true demons and recognize who they truly are - humans who have lost their humanity.

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