Wednesday, June 5, 2019


     Sorry this is late this morning but we were up late celebrating the graduation of a grandchild. It was a tad funny to see these young ladies and gentlemen march in as compared to the eighth graders of four years ago. Time certainly makes a difference and does not need a long span of time to make those changes.
      In today's era we are late for many things. We are late in the fight against the awful consequences of climate change. Scientists have been warning us about warming for decades, but we chose to ignore it, giving it a sop with Earth Day, which did not really do much for the issue. Every time there was a freeze or a big snow, opponents of the belief of warming would point fingers and ask about where the warming was, forgetting that these drastic changes were part of the process.
     It is easy to forget about things that are far away, but what about when it is not so far away, but actually within the life span of millions of people on the planet today. The year 2100 means little to me as I will be moldering away but what about to the younger generations, the babies to be born, the teens just starting out in life, the graduates planning careers and year by year have to change and adapt - if that is even possible - as we flood, freeze, broil, run out of water, and find that there is a worldwide shortage of food and even we are caught up in that growing hunger!
     I have looked at pictures and forecasts about cities under water by 2100. Some are flooding today with no major storms, just changes in the land and the height of the ocean. The forecasts have been growing grimmer by the day but hey! no problem. Trump, the basic moron and head of the school of denial, says that it is a hoax of the scientists. There is no warming, no climate change, no problem except for a bit of extreme weather which is certainly not the fault of the USA because we are "clean.  Truly? How dumb can one get just by ignoring the proof, be it in data or in actualities of the weather? The ice is melting. The oceans are being trashed. We are laying waste to flora and fauna all over the world. Dumb is even dumber!!
     But because we deny something does not mean that it goes away. Trump keeps insisting he is the greatest President ever. Well, yes, in a way, for he is the greatest danger to our continuity as a nation, as a democratic nation, a danger to world survival and the greatest moral pervert and liar ever to have been elected. He has appointed the most egregiously corrupt administration and I cannot believe how he manages to come up with all these crooks, these selfish people who drain our funds, who make money on our backs. I cannot believe how he is disrupting the judiciary for decades to come as he finds the most ignorant and biased ones ever to fill federal seats. The Republican Party is way late in entry to the game to put this man in his place, or better yet, get him out of that place.
     So they say they will not agree to fund arms for Saudi Arabia. We will see. They say they will go against the tariffs on Mexico. We will see. Will they accept the truth of the investigation re obstruction, crooked financial deals, the improper use of his children in government? Will they find their courage, their morality, their humanity and screw it all to the sticking point as Shakespeare states and will they do the right thing should the impeachment process start? I am not very sure about that! Not at all. The Republicans are very late to the game, perhaps too late.
     In fact, are we all too late in the game? Will we find our humanity once more, recognize what we have in common with the immigrants of today, with the power of fear for lives, with the savage wars on humanity in so many countries around the world, many with leaders that Trump so admires. Will the Senate pass the bill for the DACA citizenship road? Will we stop the separation of families, the losing of children, the nastiness of so many of those charged with their "removal" and containment? Will we, in fact, be able to turn the tide, to stem its disastrous effects on us? 
     Are we too late, in essence, to save ourselves, to turn back from our path of destruction? I truly hope not, certainly for the sake of the upcoming generations if not for us old folks! But now I am late for breakfast, so assuming it is not too late for us to survive yet one more day, see you tomorrow.

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