Wednesday, July 17, 2019


     A fine mess we have gotten ourselves into. Now what? Do we ask ourselves "who's on first and what's on second" and never clarify it at all? What now?
      If you are like me, then you wish both houses here a pox, a la Shakespeare's Duke of Verona. That was fiction based on reality of the time, but what hapens when the reality is even worse, when both sides of the administration cannot, will not, attempt to reconcile, to admit fault and apologize and move on, censoring or condemning both or all violators of decency, of hatred, of big and stupid mouths! Both sides are behaving like the two siblings who are being carried away under the arms of their parents, even as they persist in the name calling and accusations.
     However, these are not children, though their behavior would state otherwise. These are supposed adults whose responsibility is to govern for ALL Americans, native born and naturalized. They are to accept the freedom of speech we are allowed by the Constitution, but also be able to rise up and state the truth - both sides here are equally guilty of racism, of ethnic hatred and bias.
       It seems they cannot. It seems that Trump has caused the Democratic party to fuse once more as they defend these four women under attack from and by the racist president whose filthy and disgusting mouth merely reflects what must be the filthiest soul ever. Condemn both sides and move on. But they cannot. 
     Rep. Cleaver, a man known for urging civility, from the Speaker's chair, said, "I abandon the chair", put down the gavel and walked away. The end result? Nothing, after the initial shock. These infants playing with the matches that can set our country afire, have no brakes, no moral strength, both sides guilty of that, and we, the citizens, we just sit there and gape.
     Omar, Tlaib, both made nasty statements re Jews and in their comments about Israel. Suddenly Trump, who finds fine people on the right, who invites the most racist and extreme right wing media people to the White House, takes them to task, as if his soul was clean of the same sin and offense. Both parties need to condemn both sides of the issue here, condem themselves, apologize for their lack of moral correctness. And that, my friends, will never ever happen.
     Conway, the Hatch violator, asks a Jewish reporter  "what is your ethnicity?' and then denies any nefarious purpose. Ha!!!! As if. The Demented Toddler who cannot spell nor construct a complete complex sentence, stammers away, bulls his way with his bloated body, but the truth remains. Now we have Articles of Impeachment filed and they must be voted on. What now? What now??
     The honorable and correct thing to do would be for Trump to resign. An administration which represents inhumanity, telling a sick toddler to choose which parent should stay and which go, whose Border guards and ICE people admit they have gotten blase about the whole maltreatment of the refugees, of the cruelty, and how that cruelty goes, how they have gotten numb and or actuallly enjoy it - well, this administration needs to be ruthlessly cleansed, along with others who feel the same way and act the same way.
    Worse than everything is the very poor example we are setting for the world. Those in oppressed countries despair at aid for their struggle; refugees seeking safe haven are "tempest tost" to nowhere other than to the deaths awaiting them back at the homes they just fled. The hatred grows apace here so why not emulate that overseas, for the chief defender of human rights has capitulated to the hatemongers, to the racists, to the extremists, to those who would condemn all they deem different, inferior, to horrific lives, or even death.
     The image of a family sitting there in darkness, not making a sound, well, that brings to mind the image of a Jewish family sitting in darkness, not making a sound, covering the mouth of the baby, hoping and praying that the Nazi soldiers go away and leave them alone. Perhaps they do and perhaps they do not, but we all know how the tale ends. There is no safety anywhere for anyone from the violence and destruction of hate, of prejudice of the most vicious kind.
     Condemn the representatives who were anti Semitic by name, and condemn the demented man by name for his tweets, his insanity exposed by these tweets and then all need to man up - woman up too - and get down to the real and necessary work of healing our country. If this does not happen, and soon, I despair deeply and broken hearted at the future of our country and all of us within it - and indeed for the world, who will have lost its guardian. 
    What now? I think I will close my eyes now and picture a day with the family. I cannot take any more at this point, but on Sunday will be right there as I and friends and others, learn what we can do to help immigrants. See, we have not lost our humanity. What now? Perhaps there is yet some room for optimism, as long as there is one person left to shout the truth.

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