Thursday, July 18, 2019


     There is no end. At least it seems that way. We seem to have lost all our humanity, allowed hatred to overcome all other thoughts, and worse, the viciousness emanates from the top down, with the Demented Todddler being the worst of the lot.
     Campaigns should be run on issues. Yes, there can be sharp jabs at the opponent. There can even be some nasty stuff going on, for such is the level to which people fall when running a campaign or supporting a candidate. However, when the nastiness turns truly vicious, when it is combined with lie after lie, when it is actually encouraged, to the point where there are no issues other than hatred, then we are in deep trouble. This is the way it goes is not acceptable, not if we ever desire to return to our former state, attempt to heal the bitter divide of the country, and heal the souls that have been blackened by hatred.
     The warning by Nietzche to beware of looking too deeply into the abyss else the monster there look back, and an additional warning that when we truly understand hatred, we understand that the monster, the enemy is us, echoes deeply and long today. Yes, us, and no one else.
     We have fallen backwards into that abyss, allowed its filth to penetrate us. The man stands there with his fist or open palm held out straight in front of him, eerie enough, and then he leads his crowds in tropes and memes of hate, and mostly - against women, of all types and ages. Chants of lock her up or send her back, talking disrespectfully of women, boasting of conquests, sexual harasment, hush money payments - and yet the man gets away with it all where others guilty of lesser accusations are dropping out of public, resigning, being imprisoned, charged, whatever. But not that man - and so it goes.
     Do not think that this hatred of others is found only on one side. The same women, at least two of them, who complain, rightly so, about the statements of Trump and his encouraging of these ugly sentiments, are guilty too of the same crime. Omar and Tlaib have made nasty and vicious hateful statements about Jews, repeating old ugliness, going after the State of Israel with vicious anti Semitism rather than with statements backed by facts, only, instead, based on hatred and the fact that it is a Jewish state. And so it goes.
     We have lost all feeling of disgust when we see pictures of children in cages, children staring back with blank and terrified eyes, hungry, filthy, scared to pieces. We think nothing of the guards tormenting the adults with lack of cleanliness, poor and meager food, withholding water, threats, and we truly have lost it all when one miserable human being, Republican Rand Paul, who allowed the tax cut which aided the fat cats' bottom line even as it destroyed the bottom line of the country, now will balance it all on the backs of the victims of 9/11. Guess those victims were guilty of poor planning, being in the wrong place at the wrong time!! And so it goes.
    The EEOC said the statements such as telling one to "go back where they came from' and others of the same nasty ilk, are violations of anti discrimination laws. So will Trump be punished? Ha!!! Instead he will reap the admiration and noise of the hateful chants. And so it goes - as our country devolves, faster and faster, until what will be left? I shudder to think.
     Both parties are guilty of hateful and destructive statements and behavior and so is the so called Progressive movement, a movement based on hate just as much as the extremists to whom Trump returned to in North Carolina. All the better to find "fine people" on both sides, the wrong sides!!! The leaders of both parties need to step to the plate and call it as it is - on both sides. Kick out the haters, deny them power and attention. But, a great big but - they do not admit fact, particularly on the Republican side, for the chief leaders of the chorus are the wimpy soulless leaders themselves. McConnell thinks being married to Chao protects him from accusations of discrimination and hatred. Well, it does not and just ask all the spouses who were Tutsi in Rwanda as their Hutu spouses chased them down. Just ask those Jews married to non Jews under Hitler and see how many had spouses who turned on them and their children. No, the hatred is an ugly germ that burrows deep and comes out when the time is ripe for the rotting and stinking elements of humanity to surface. It buries the true meaning and behavior of humanity.
     And so it goes. No more can we say that. No more can we shrug off the nastiness, for the tectonic plates of the human soul, of the country's values, of the country itself, are trembling, our basis rocking, under pressure, being overcome by the wrong pressures. And so it goes? No more, please. From all sides involved. No one is innocent here, though that Demented Toddler is certainly the prime guilty force of this whole mess. So now what?

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