Monday, July 15, 2019


     Okay. Full disclosure. The ladies who were told to "go back where they came from" are not my cup of tea. I dislike their attitudes, their lack of respect for others who differ in their beliefs, and the racist memes and canards they repeat about Jews and Israel. That being said, I stand 100% with them right now and as I stand with them, the chills of hatred, of displacement, of non acceptance, the constant chants to Jews to go back where they came from or at least the statement that they do not belong here, wherever here was - well, here I stand with these ladies. And not only them, for just amongst the women of Congress here are countries where some came from - India, Guatemala, Ecuador, Vietnam and that is only from the Democratic women. If we were to include men, the total would be more.
     It has long been our pride and joy that anyone could come here and do well, become a success, raise a family, become a philanthropist, be a member of the administration, all, other than become President. Time after time, papers and magazines have posted lists of immigrants and children of immigrants who have done well, contributed much to us and the world, won Nobels and other awards for achievement and yet, this Demented Toddler has the nerve to spew forth his words of hatred!! Would that his own grandfather had gone back and stayed back in his own country of origin - Germany.
     To tell people to 'go back' makes my skin crawl. I heard those comments as a kid growing up in Brooklyn. Members of my family in Israel, survivors and their children are told to 'go back' from whence they came, back to the Europe which did not accept them, back to the Europe or Arab countries which tried their damndest to kill them all. When does this stop? When do we finally accept that people immigrate, that people differ in opinions. Again, I despise much of what they stand for, and bemoan the wasting of AOC's innate intelligence, as she wallows in the 'oh, yeah' mode of doing business, slugging it out with the idiotic and hateful men, particularly Trump. They are in many ways the exact image and presentaton of things I do not like nor espouse, but to tell them to 'go back' - especially when the idiot does not even realize that three are native born Americans!!! Nope, my red line is crossed.
     This is all part and parcel of the filth and the dirt and the hatred that this man has encouraged and allowed. It is part of the deep and growing abyss that he has encouraged. It is what makes me so very much afraid for the future or lack of it for our country.
     The hatred that has come through clearly, about people with different shades of skin, even as the underneath is exactly the same, as are their desires for families; the hatred and growing acceptance of it, to demean women, to encourage the acceptance of seeing women as chattel, with no rights, mere breeders, the hateful meme of kitchen, church and pregnant; the gall of the extremists on all sides of the political spectrum who now shout so loud that nobody hears anymore. This, I cannot tolerate. This I cannot abide. This, even as we echo the awful past as we chase after 'dangerous' criminals who have raised families here, contributed to the economy on all levels, whose children are Americans - and by the way, we plan to separate them once more -and thank heavens that we have people willing to stand in front of doors, protecting those within, helping those caught in this hateful net, being treated as prey!!!!
     Today, as an American, I hang my head in shame even as I take pride that we do have resistance to much of this crap. Trump has serviced the Democratic Party with his hate, reminding them that they are one  and have one goal - to rid the country of this man and his minions, to stand against him from now through the day of the ballot box, to return our country back to its origins and work to correct errors of the past, even as we forge new and wonderful paths for the future, as we spend time on alleviating climate change, helping those with no water, with food insecurity, whose children have no chance to beat the illnesses which befall them, fighting the ignorance of too many, as we finally become a family of Americans, and finally, dare I hope, a family of humankind.

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