Sunday, July 14, 2019


     And there you have it. We have finally gone and done it, wide open, in public, before the eyes of every decent person in  the world and for the disgusting enjoyment of the prejudiced and the truly unamerican. Hordes of ICE accomplices, and yes, that is what they are, as they agree to copy the French police roundup of Jews during WWII, the hunting down of Rohingya and Tutsi, the chasing down of runaway slaves, the roundup and imprisonment of Japanese during WWII, many American born and/or American citizens.
     So the word of the day is a phrase: no abra la puerta. Do not open the door. Without a warrant, ICE has no right to enter the home and the targets of these raids have received instructions as to how to see through tricks to get them to open the door. Religious institutions all over the country, but particularly now in the target cities, have opened their doors and have people seeking asylum there. Seeking asylum here!! Does that not sound abrasive to your ears, to your hearts, to your American values.
     The Republicans have long ago forgotten their morality and left the values by the side of the road, and the Democrats, instead of raising the roof on this, instead of having their followers stand up to ICE,  opening their doors to refugees - for that is what they are and what we are certainly making them - well, they are having a fight, a bitter cat fight between the so called Four and the rest of the party. It is ugly. It is unnecessary. And it is harmful to the future of the Democratic Party and the future of the country at large.
     Right now we need a united front against the bullying and immoral policies of Trump, the biggest bully in the world. We need a united front to flip seats, to get our country back on track. We need to return to sanity, wherein we stand against the violations of China, of Russia, of Iran, together with the rest of the world, rather than fighting our main and traditional ally, England, as the truth of the matter, the truths about Trump are leaked. Why and how are not important. What is important is the fact that other diplomats from other countries are backing up the statements of the British for such is the low opinion and assessment of Trump by the rest of the sane world. His fellow dictators, why they love him. Read the clues, folks, for they cannot be any clearer than they are.
     Right now we need to focus on the emergencies facing our country and the world. Our military bases are now having major issues with drinking water due to ground contamination, even as that Demented One pushes for less regulation and more poisoned water. We need hands and feet and backs and brains to overcome these environmental issues, just at the time when we are throwing them out of the country. We need more people to help our aging, even as we are throwing them out, running them down. We need more educated people, even as they are being denied college education due to their status and so the country loses their brainpower, just as we lose the economic benefits of their enterprises, their participation in the everyday economy of the country, our country. What the hell have we done? What have we, in fact, opened the door to and allowed in?
     We have opened the door to hatred, to violence, to hardening souls and hearts. We have opened the country to accepting businesses without moral boundaries, the leaders of the country being found out to be enmeshed in all sorts of crimes in their own lives and yet Trump appoints them as leaders of the country, appoints judges who are ignorant, tainted, immoral or amoral, and could care less about the law, the letter and the spirit of it.
     So instead of going after each other, the Democrats need to target McConnell, and forget their own dangerous infighting. They need to target Trump as he endangers this country by the second, as long as he is in office. We need to hear the truth about Trump and his cooperation with the Russians, his obstruction of justice attempts, his dirty business ethics or lack of them, his improper application of nepotism and cronyism in his administration, his illegal  use of funds for his own "fun" - parades, trips to his golfing estates, money from diplomats who stay at his hotel in order to gain political credit, and the constant shlepping around of his most annoying children, all over the country and the world, at our expense. Our dimes pay for these creeps and their disgusting mouths and huge incompetence.
    No abra la puerte. Do not open the door. But we have already done that. The question is can we clean out the vermin, cleanse our souls, and no, not with the religious beliefs of others being forced upon us, reboot our system so it is running correctly - and then shut that damned door once and for all?! 
     Mozart once said, "I fear I am writing a requiem for myself."
     ARE WE DOING THE SAME? Have we opened the door too much already and allowed the hatemongers, the jingoists to write their ugly requiem for us all, for the United States of America? Think about it. Decide on your next steps.

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