Tuesday, August 27, 2019


     Okay, so the other nite we received a bill for the meal, high,but worth it, but what struck us was the suggested tip. Good service means a good tip, or it should, but this was a bit high, unless somewhere along the line things changed and no one told me. Used to be double the tax. Then suggestions of from 10 to 15 or 18 percent. Then upped again, but 1/3? Really?  So on a bill of $150 one should leave a tip of $50? Sorry, guys, way too much, I believe. Yes, most of your earnings are tips, but our earnings will soon enough tell us no more eating out if the tip rate keeps climbing like that. Tipping has tipped.
     Sadly enough, I believe that the world already has or is in the midst of a full tip. Years ago I read a book called The HAB Theory. It has stayed with me ever since as the theory was that every so many millennia, the world turned, the poles shifting. Treasures of the world were rushed to Africa, for other continents would be mostly underwater. Catastrophic events took place, and as ususal, there were deniers of the truth.
     Now I read that at least one pole has moved. We know they are melting. We know the oceans and great bodies of water are washing our lands and on the other hand there are huge areas of drought and increasing desertification. The weather is nuts, to put it bluntly and meanwhile, even as scientists shout about what is happening, the pet scientists, such as those found by Trump and other perpetually selfish and blind people, are fighting the facts. Water and food shortages are growing, but just ignore it is the policy, evidently.
     The air and the oceans are polluted. We have managed to set about on a successful path, unfortunately, to even ruin what should be the vast and permanent resort of final necessity. We have dug up the earth for its minerals, even as  these same minerals pollute it further. We ignore the damage that old and unnecessary infrastructure has done and continues to do. We have been warned over and over again that within the next two decades we will be quite sorry for our misdeeds lo these many a century. And for the piece de resisance, our lungs, the very precious gift we have had and been taking advantage of, the glorious rainforest of the Amazon, that which helps our tortured and abused air renew itself, helps the earth breathe so we the humans on it and the animals on it, can breathe - well, screw that, it seems. We have been burning it for decades, for centuries. We have ignored its still unknown and unplumbed depths of possibilities. We have abused it, and now - it is burning!! And nothing has stopped it and it seems no one cares to take the necessary steps to stop it, enmeshedand mired in politics.
     Well, screw politics. Scientists around the world are telling us that we may have just achieved a dubious goal. We might just have reached the tipping point. No, I do not think the world will turn upside down or shift like that, but it will be destroyed, a lesson for any surviving generations, blasted back into the Stone Age and certainly for explorers of this and other universes.
      And what do we do? We nip at each other. We curse and challenge each other. We bicker and do not achieve anything other than say, increasing the radiation in the world as Putin has a nuclear energy center blow up and we test more nuclear missiles. We achieve nothing other than to move up the date of the tipping point.
     This same idiotic willful blindness and stupidity, this deafness, this refusal to heed the warnings, echo in the political world as well, particularly right here in the good old USA. How much more absolute and outright lies and weird statements must we endure until someone, somebody, some political body, takes care of this problem. We have the means, but we have not the will, certainly, it seems, not the moral courage that the Senate needs to convict in an impeachment.
     As people willfully and stupidly turn away from the truth about Trump, his glaring deficiencies, his growing dementia and the rage that comes along with it, we grow ever deeper in the hole, to drowning in that swamp or - closer to the tipping point. As we head ever closer to the tipping point here in the country, as we watch it dissolve into a group of warring factions, as the rest of the world begins to ignore us, as we eat away at our own economic and political foundations - many of us hear and fear the tipping point. Will we indeed fall into a Civil War II even as the fight would be about ever decreasing chances of a good future for us and for all mankind or will we do something? What? Above my pay grade, but not above my thinking and realization grade and where the hell are the rest of us? I do know one thing for sure though - the first step is to clean sweep the government, get back the professionals who know the world. Get rid of the cheaters, the liars, the fatcats, the spoilers, the greedy, the thieves of the present administration and especially Trump himself. Just as the owners of apartments in the present Trump Hotel and Tower want his name off the Tower part as it is not his, we, too, want his name off the list of Presidents, marked as an aberration of the United States that almost destroyed itself and the world. 
     We have the political means wherein to follow the process. But do we have the moral means to do it? Sooner or later it will need to be done or truly, yet another tipping point will have been reached. We already are hanging on to the railing as the world tilts erratically beneath our feet. Time, folks, time to tip the scales of life and justice and normality. A good tipping point if done properly and soon.

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