Wednesday, August 28, 2019


     There you have it. It is the wall vs. all in the weird and upside down Trumpian world. There in dystopia nothing matters other than the dictats of the strange dude at the top of the pyramid and all else bows before it. All and everyone.
     It is hurricane season once again and it appears that a bad one, lots of flooding rain, is approaching American territory. Puerto Rico, which for some reason did not think that paper towel rolls were sufficient aid and poor and even illegal contracts for disaster repair just fine, is in the path again. So is south Florida and let me tell you, the aftermath of hurricanes are awful, no matter how many generators are around. The mess, the outages, the losses, the fear, the damage, the fright down to the bone - nothing ameliorates this. Nothing.
     Of course, knowing that aid, responsible and useful aid will be forthcoming, should help somewhat. But, the big but, is it coming? There is apparently another demanding event happening and that seems to be taking precedence - in manpower and in funding and attention. What is it, you might ask, curious as to what takes precedence over a disaster to American citizens right here in America? Why the Wall of course. That accursed Wall that stands for everything that is wrong and has gone wrong in this, our country.
     Once there was a Berlin Wall, imprisoning the people of East Berlin, and the night it fell, literally being pulled apart by the hands of the crowds demanding open land, democracy, union of their country, was truly amazing. It was a monumental event in the history of mankind and a signal to all would be dictators that there is always a seed of hope ,even in the most downtrodden, always that grasping for hope, for life. The inmates of Auschwitz blew up the crematoria. The inmates of Sobibor had a breakout. The Warsaw Ghetto held off the Nazis longer than countries had manged to do. Slaves rebelled time and time again for centuries, wherever they were. And the frightened, yet hopeful and determined refugees from Central America, from Cuba, from countries in South America and Asia and Africa that are in pieces, to other countries on the borders - they will not be denied other. Denying them is denying one of mankind's most basic needs and hopes. The simple wish to live free and safe,to raise a family, to have a future and one for the children. 
     Yet today, in America, there is something very wrong. FEMA money that should be waiting to be spent on aid in this dangerous season is being transferred over to ICE and to building more cells and buildings to incarcerate more refugees, more would be contributors to our country, more labor that our industries are begging for, that our rocky economy needs. More room to separate and hold families, to doom children to damaged presents and futures. More chances to prove that we here in this country have lost our way.
     Builders have been told to seize the land. Administration people have been told not to worry about any crimes they commit in this frenzied and immoral campaign for they will be pardoned. Okaying lawlessness, a terrible standard that we are setting, or have already set. Private land - taken, robbed. Black walls surrounding us, actually imprisoning us, ruining more of our environment, but nothing else matters. Build that damned Wall. Build and destroy America. That is it in four words - build and destroy America.
     Oh, and let us not forget the importance of crowd size, for the ego needs feeding. Let us not forget the necessity to bring out the schoolyard bully to demonstrate his dementia, his incompetence and his hateful nature that he inspires in others as well.  A Wall conceived in the depths of muck and mire of prejudice and madness, raised to encircle us with Blackness of the soul reflected off that Black Wall and a loss of America, of us. And yup, those of us in the path of the hurricanes, well, maybe we should build our own walls, blocking that madman and his minions out of our land before he seizes that too! And spend our funds on true needs- FEMA, voting rights, social safety needs, defense , infrastructure, education, environmental protection and repair. Sounds familiar, so why does that Demented One not do the right thing - do what is needed or resign!! Take down the walls that have divided our country, that have ruined our unity, that has created a dangerous situation for us and for the world. Why the hell not?!

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