Tuesday, September 17, 2019


     I just do not get it. Somewhere along the line we began to truly color outside the line. What we have gotten in return is not the brilliance of native art or primitive art, but rather the insane drawings out of a severely bizarre mind. Or minds. And if you get it I would greatly appreciate a true and understandable explanation. However, I doubt there is one, for sheer madness is never truly explainable.
     I believe that is why Trump is simply way out of the lines and the box! Not in  a good way either, a creative manner, for his lines are jagged, tearing at the wholeness of the picture, even to the point of shredding it at times. His lines induce fright and horror in most people, but a cruel joy in the hearts of others, the haters, the perverted, the twisted and the duped. It is both sad and frightening.
     The colors of the pictures or purported pictures are dark, jagged, and clashing. It represents a mind that is just as jagged and torn, just as dark, replete with hatred for others, with nastiness that comes through as racial bias, as hurtful and crazed statements, as defensive language and action for perverts of his ilk. It is the representation of a mind that looks to divide rather than unite.
     Are we to believe that 'Hispanics' have a choice either to love themselves or their country and never the twain shall meet? Are we to believe that they are a class of people totally separate from the rest of humanity, certainly within the USA? Are we to believe that it is okay to discuss the origin of a CNN contributor and evaluate what he looks like? Think about it? Are we to go back to the false science, the racial science of determining who people are and their worth or lack thereof based on their looks? Based on measurements of skulls and noses and chins? Think about that? That is Nazi theory redux, straight out of the mouth of the chief hater, Trump, the twisted and eprverted artist that is drawing pictures of America that should scare you badly.
     Or how about the vigorous,almost crazed defense of a most unqualified Justice, accused of sexual harassment and assault, who lied about it, who survived the confirmation debate due to the wimpiness of the  Republican Senators, with a key vote placed by Susan Collins, much to her everlasting shame, and a rabid president who foamed at the mouth and is continuing to do so as new revelations come out and not so new ones, along with the fact that the FBI never investigated them in that fake period of discovery! What a farce! And why is Trump so rabid on this? Well, look at his background, his statements, his behavior, his payoffs and the answer is clear.
     We begin to see, in that awful picture, if it can be called that, the twisted mind that has created it. We see the mind, the broken mind, of one who would rather stick kids in freezing cages than build schools for military families. Who would rather poison the waters and the air and ground around us than lose a penny from his bottom line, who violates the emoluments law every second of every day with his entangement of his business and the government of the United States and who could care less about the accusations. He simply continues to color and thumb his nose at us. And still, his tax returns remain hidden away lest the truth be revealed.
     This is a picture from a man who is drawing the world as it will be after a war that he forces upon us, a war brought on by his erratic and hostile behavior, a war where nuclear weapons would be in play. This is the result of a man who blusters and threatens, who loses friends and emulates enemies, all in a twisted quest for notoriety and legacy. But what legacy would that be? Only the ragged remains of his awful pictures, the ones that reek of hate and madness.
     Once more I ask? Do you get it? Do you understand how and why we reached this point? Do you know where we will go next, what new ugly line will be drawn in another chaotic movement? If you do, then please, explain it to me and to the rest of the world, for no one truly gets it, the ugliness, the hate,the hopelessness.

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