Wednesday, September 18, 2019


     What's the matter with men today goes the song. But perhaps we should just leave out the today and examine their seemingly always happening behavior. What makes them tick? What makes them think certain things and what makes them persist in the same old stupid behavior and act as if no one notices?
     First and foremost,whats with all the news that just keeps on coming, straight our of the darkest basement of the behavior and beliefs of too many men, the stories and testimonies, the accusations, of sexually abused victims. Men, be they of whatever class, porters asnd religious fanatics in Asia or rich depraved men here and in Europe, they all think they have the G-d given right to do with women as they please. That women are there to serve as property belonging to men and need to be subjugated.
     Acting in that belief, they go around displaying their genitals. What the hell ever made them believe that women are impressed with that particular body part. It is neither beautiful nor artistic, just made for its various purposes. But still, the men insist, that they flip them around, expose them, pet them, and disgust all who are victims of these unwelcome sights. Including children!!
     Furthermore, what makes men think that they can persist in telling lies, in acting incorrectly, even illegally, be caught red handed, yet deny it all. The cookie's crumbs are still on their faces, still dirty their hands, but nope, they did nothing. They lie and lie and lie yet again and think they are so clever. 
      Lewandowski's behavior yesterday at his appearance before the Committee is point made. Telling people he cannot remember, needing help to find a sentence on a page, refusing to read a video sentence, castigating a member of Congress for telling someone that the toothfairy does not exist?!!! And this man is running for Senator!! And why not, since it seems he has gotten rewarded for his lies, for his obstructions, for playing right along with that ultimate disgusting male, Trump.
     What is the matter with men? We are what is the matter. When we allow them to get away with the hijinks they pull, with highly inappropriate behavior, then we are at fault. We need to call them to account for their misdeeds, for their misbehavior. We need to show our children, show the world, that America has grown up and refuses to tolerate this anti social behavior any longer. That men will be taken into account. And for that matter, so will women who do the wrong thing, but there are so many fewer of them against the rampant misbehavior of the male gender!
     Do not get me wrong. I love the male gender members of my family and have male friends. There are good people of the male gender, but what the hell is the matter with so many of them. Please, do the world a huge favor and keep your junk in your pants where it belongs, learn the value of truth telling and of honorable behavior, and of the value of all people, male and female and any other designation chosen. People are people. People deserve to be treated properly, to be told the truth, not to be thought of as fools who will never notice the difference.
     If you must, play your stupid ego games in the men's bathrooms and keep it out of the public eye, out of the world where this is considered abusive and asocial behavior. Please be men, men of honor, men of maturity and understanding, men who wish to move the world forward in a positive manner and please, choose your leaders wisely. And that ain't Trump, the example par excellence of wrong, so wrong behavior, statements and creeds. Men, behave!!

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