Let's start with the promise first in chronological order. That is the one made by the Lord to Noah, to mankind, that He would never again destroy mankind via water and sent us the rainbow as a mark of that promise. Well, anybody kinda' thinking lately that G-d regrets His promise, seeing what man has made of His glorious creation?! Just take a look at what has gone on lately with water. It is either too much, as in floods, too much rain, polluted and getting worse than ever, or too little, as in areas of drought. And of course, we have the insane hurricanes of CAT 4 and even 5 strength.
Perhaps we need to read into that and understand that the promise has been kept, for it is mankind that has brought about so much of these extremes of water disasters. Thus, the question is, mankind, what hast thou wrought?
We have made and ignored too many promises for far too long. We renege on these promises and today we have an illegitimate man as President who has rolled back the regulations that would have kept us on the right path, and we have gone dangerously backwards. We have backslid on our promises to the earth and man, are we getting paid back. In triplicate!
And there are other promises gone missing. We have been promised a great economy and actually had one, a recovery from a Great Recession that began under Obama, and has now basically been repudiated and sabotaged by Trump in his insane tariff and trade wars, and the latest tit for tat tariff impositions between China and the USA, as we are caught in a battle of egos between Xi and Trump, the promises to the countries are run over and smashed to smithereens. People are already holding back on spending due to concern and here we go again.
Add to that the promise of balanced budgets, of cutting the national insane debt, and um, anybody notice how it has grown ever so much? Fatcats got the money and the little people are eating the losses, the tax cuts that are most emphatically not for them, and the corporations and their honchos grow ever more powerful. It is like living the movies of a dark future where these businesses run the world!
And think not that the promises not kept do not reach down into the lives of the little people. Think right here in the Village. It is a great place to live and I hope we make it through this Dorian which sits on the Bahamas as a mammoth evil force, stomping and destroying all, following in the path of Maria, not in direction, but in destruction. And what about the aftermath?
The Village needs a great deal of infrastructure repair. Much has been done or started but we are running into issues that we have created for ourselves. We have allowed a man and his minions to remain in office way past the sell by date. Granting him good motives, he then ran into the problem of power and thinking that he could remain as the King and do as he wished, along with his chief adviser, if I can use that term. Even with the good things that they have done, we are now once again in a precarious financial situation with great financial needs to pay for much, a repaving that was crappy to begin with, to repair things that were not repaired properly in the first place, with a desperate need to plan very carefully our approach and demands for post Millennium life here, with demands from tennis players, with consequences of Waldman's ownership of the ex golf course and the dangers it presents for security, with fencing all around that and the Village which is broken, trashed and non existent, and yet here we are, trying to use money we do not have to pay for things we do not need to pay for or plan for, and having the craziest approach to budgeting I have ever seen. It seems that if one moves money from one column to another, that money is counted as not being spent. Huh! If I spend it in one place or another, it is spent and the who's on first approach at a recent meeting was laughable - and dangerous in terms of financial reponsibility. The entire budgeting process must be overhauled - Pronto!!
Promises, promises. Worse than ever if not kept. Promises to have a good life here, people expecting excursions, shows, yet both have been cut back. And more cutbacks come along every year. Yes, some good things have been done here, particularly under the aegis of Donald Foster who has taken his responsibilities very seriousy and is around the Village and responsive to quests for help and advice. But it is time for change for elsewhere.
As Trump goes golfing, thinking he can hide at Camp David and fly from there to yet another of his properties, who thinks he has gained yet another source of ripoff money from the government as Pence stays across Ireland in another Trump resort, far away from where he is supposed to be, we need new promises made and new promises kept. And we need the same here in the Village. Thanks to the present administration for the good it has done, pardon for the ruination of other things, and time for a change. Time to rearrange. Time to breathe new ideas. Time to return to term limits and time to give hope to people that yes, there is room for them in UCO, for the recycling of the same people will be over.
Promises, promises. Up to us, folks. We need to act on our demands and necessities.
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