Thursday, October 17, 2019


   Once again we have a controversial meeting of Trump and other governmental officials, and Pelosi, one of two women in a dark suited mens' convocation, stood up and pointed  at the President. Good for her!! It is infinitely hard for a woman to speak over the men who speak over her, and for Pelosi to do this- well, wow!! I am proud of her.
     Once again Trump has looked at others and seen his faults reflected back at him and then he persists in trying to deflect. So he has the meltdown, behaves in a most unpresidential manner, more like the overgrown toddler brat he most resembles and accuses Pelosi of the meltdown. He rants against her and Mattis, throwing all and sundry under the wheels of that bus which is slowly but surely reaching the end of its run. What must concern us all is whether or rather which or what will run out of power first. Will Trump manage to destroy the world even further, undo more years and decades of progress, or will we be able to toss him out before that happens and then struggle with....... what?
     Actually,, the first question is this: will the Republican Senators, who until now have behaved like good little acolytes of the insane and bizarre man, will they finally stand up and admit to the world that they were wrong, that the man is decidedly unqualified, insane and corrupt in every which way possible. See, the question is whether in the legal sense of the word, in the face of the self proclaimed deaf, dumb, and blind Senators, will the Ukrainian issue be enough? Will it be possible to bring up his bizarre mannerisms and behaviors? Will it be possible to bring up his slowly reappearing tax statements, in bits and pieces, proof of his malfeasance and guilt in financial crimes? Will he join Capone and others who go down for tax evasion? Heck! I could not care less what brings him down and finally hits those Senators in their blindfolded heads, but let us get him out before we stand alone in the world, before we become the "sick man" the "paper tiger" of the world.
     Say we do this. We impeach the man and a miracle occurs and the Republicans find some courage and convict him. Huh! As if. But then what? Pence? Will "Mother" then rule us a la the wife of Woodrow Wilson when he had his stroke? Will we overlook the complicity of Pence in the same mess? Will we overlook his 'dumbness' too?
    Or, or, or, could it be, that for a year or so we would actually have the first woman President in the form of 78 year old Nancy Pelosi, a dynamo if I ever saw one. She has had the patience and the strength to stand up against him, take the punches and the filth, the accusations, the slurs, and patiently wait the insane man out and lordy, but I do hope he gets what's comin', what is way overdue for this man and his egregious acts.
    But! A great big but. What if they do not convict? What if they remain spineless and morally vapid? What will be at the end of the year at the elections? Will the "base", hate that word, finally realize that he has indeed shafted them right down to the core? Will they realize he has taken away their health insurance, their right to medical care, created more hungry homes and homeless families, made it almost impossible for a kid to climb the ladder of sucess, even go to college in the first place, and behaved in manners and ways and actions that shame us all. Will we finally have a chance to right all the wrongs and the damage he has done? And now he wants to open the last true forests of Alaska to logging and clear cutting, to development of mining, etc. Dear Lord! When does it stop and what will be left if it ever does?
    I still say that Klobuchar would be best but Buttigieg is gaining as well, both with heads on their shoulders. But in the name of full disclosure, if a flea runs against Trump, that flea has my vote. Cannot be any worse, can it! Seriously, I am unhappy with Sanders for several reasons, but accepting the endorsement of anti Semites such as Omar and Tlaib, well, that puts my teeth on  edge, but better than Trump! Any day, every day and I seriously doubt that Sanders will be the candidate for President or VP. Wonder what the actual team will be? The dream team? And who is that?
     Dickens had it right so long ago. "It is the best of times, it is the worst of times." We have the opportunity to show the world that America has not gone irretrievably and permanently off the track. It has remembered its place and role in the world. It has remembered that it stands there along with Lady  Liberty, the grand Lady of the Harbor, to represent humane treatment and acceptance of refugees, to accept the new blood we need to keep America strong, to be America. To be Americans.
     So now what? It is up to us. We either toss him out now, along with his rats deserting the sinking ship or we toss him out next November, assuming of course that his BFFS, the dictators of the world, every two bit country with a hacker, does not interfere in our most private and sacrosanct elections. And now what? A frightening question. A more frightening answer? Think.

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