Wednesday, October 16, 2019

IF IT AIN'T BROKE............

     .......don't fix it. That is the maxim that guides many a decision. However, at present we are in a broken condition, so broken it is almost shattered, so we do need to fix it. What is broken? Everything, basically, from soup to nuts. We are broken here in CV, using  a system that badly needs amending. We are broken in so many towns and cities, states too, with corruption, arrests of officials, and a certain level of lawlessness among our law enforcement personnel tht almost negates their good and necessary contributions to society.
      And we are broken on a national level. Joe Biden closed out the debate with an impassioned plea that we remember we are the United States of America, what we  stand for, and others pleaded that we fight for our soul that has been ripped away by Trump, the most corrupt president ever. That was a definite unifying theme of the debate for all, even Tulsi Gabbard who is not among my most favorite of people.
     So we need to fix it. What? Our system. Our points of view. The tragic chasm that is growing every day between segments of our population. The cruel system of immigration wherein we trash our reputation as a refuge of safety and instead treat people as dirt under our feet, caging children, denying medical treatment, denying the humanity of refugees. We need to fix that and not by dreaming up ever crueler systems such as sharpened points on top of a wall that would rip someone apart, or fill moats with snakes and/or crocodiles! Sounds dumb, yet telling, when we remember who stated these oh so wonderful ideas - Trump himself.
     The debate last nite was the best yet. It showed a certain unity amongst the candidates and a desire to argue points, but to so so in a civilized manner. To restore grace to the system. Oh yes! I am for that fix. Yet there were differences among them and the primaries allow for picking and choosing, for weighing decisions, but at the end of it all, we mut support the Democratic candidate, whoever it is, if we are to fix our broken state of affairs, if we are to return the world to something of a balance, if we are to properly address the existential threat of climate change.
     The rest of the world has possibly reached the point of awareness that they must stand up against what is broken. So we have Hong Kong and notice the dead silence from the White House. We have Hungary where the people delivered a message to Orban. And then, of course, we have the corrupt, inhumane, cruel and cynical politics and behavior of Putin, Xi, Kim and wait for it, wait.... Trump et al. This needs to be fixed. We need, as Lady Macbeth says, "to screw our courage to the sticking point", albeit she was in the wrong in her actions, though to her credit she did recognize the evil of what she had done and suffered for it. Would that Trump would understand his evildoings, but I am afraid that his system is broken, inside and out, with uglinesss being the overwhelming quality of it all.
     Yes, our system is broken. It most definitely is. In a land of plenty we have food insecure children and families. We have a growing homeless population and thousands of apartments going empty, waiting for the visit of the owner for a few days a year. And meanwhile the prices go up and up. We have more people employed, yes, but their wages are garbage, cannot be sufficient to the needs of the wage earners and so they work multiple jobs just to maintain the very basics of life. We have grown calloused souls, able to look away from wrong. We have allowed the filth of Trump to drain into society and put hatred and bias back on the okay list. People are being shot simply for being 'there' and open season has been declared on Jews, here and in Europe, For sure, the system is broke!! For sure, it needs fixin'.
     It is no wonder that people turn to opiods to drown out the harshness of their lives. The pain they seek to relieve is both physical and emotional. Punitve measures for users instead of rehab and the funding for rehab, for counseling, is the wrong way, and we need to fix that.
     We have government officials who refuse to obey the law, refuse to heed subpoenas, refuse to do the right thing, and, in fact, always choose the low road, even the criminal road. We have officials who have turned on our country and our people, looked greed in the face and said that is their goal, their guiding light. That is broken!! We need to fix it.
     Going to the other extreme might be tempting out of sheer desperation and desire to create change, a better life, a better world. But we need to fix it carefully. Again, I will say that Klobuchar is the best way to go. She is a moderate with her head screwed on right, with a willingness to hear viewpoints of others, and experience to help guide her in a role as President. But again, whoever it is must fix the system, the right way, the lasting way, the American way.

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