Wednesday, October 2, 2019


     It stinks, just stinks. The stench permeates every level and most every Trump appointee and I am being conservative in that statement. Lobbyists for big business, Pharma, energy, and almost every sphere one can thinkof have been appointed as Secretaries for those exact areas and nary a one ever considered or deemed or even spent one day as an activist for the rights of the people, for the country. America First!!! A shameful statement in the first place, it is actually Trump First and if one does not support that, then one is out, under the wheels of that very busy bus.
     The rot of this administration permeates all. The deeper one goes, the higher the blanket of lies is lifted, the sourer the stench of the underlying linens and of those who lay upon them. The gall of the liars is amazing. They were there, in the room, or listening, agreed to try to hide the call and, there ya' go! They were there in the first place and they have all taken on the behavior of the habitual liar - shout and yell and deny, deny and then accuse your accusers of committing your very violations. Of the truth, nary a whisper or sight.
     What in my eyes is the worst thing in this very bad, awful, miserable, shameful mess, is the fact of the nastiness of the people involved. To me, the whole immigration mess is part and parcel and most symbolic of the tenor of this administration. Just shoot them. Shoot them in the legs and why? Because it will slow them down!!!! Oh yeah, that dangerous toddler certainly needs to be clippedoff. That pregnant woman - just shoot her for daring to build a life for her unborn child. And that teenager. Why, just shoot. He is brown, an indigenous speaking person from Guatemala, hence he is a gangster, a rapist, a murderer, a thief at best, so shoot!!!!!And the adult males, alone or even with families, they are dyed in the wool criminals so shoot!!!!!! This was the attitude and the orders of the President until he was pulled down and away from that order by some people who had some sense, if no morals or heart. The man even considered a moat filled with alligators to close the border!!!!! Sane? Not really.
     The carelessness of this administration in dealing with people, their heartlessnes, all stems from the top - Trump. He is a devil incarnate and dangerous beyond belief How do we allow a President of the United States to threaten a civil war such as was never seen before. I happen to agree with him, that if we continue down this path there will be a civil war, but I plead and warn against it, do not threaten it as a tool of subordination of a country to personal demands and whims.
     He rants and raves, lies upon lies and cannot keep them straight and one late night host had it right. He is said to be unraveling, but was he ever 'raveled' in the first place!!! Oh, we laugh and snicker at his misdeeds and actions, but the time for that is over. He now threatens openly that there will be a "coup" and thus he has the right to preempt in action and law, by Executive Order, to defend this country against this, to keep himself in office, and trust me, those two are oxymorons!!!
     I am frightened. I am nauseated by the rising and ever growing stench of corruption, of selfishness, of falsehoods, of pure and unadulterated nastiness and lack of humanity. Even more frightening is the realization that so many are still willing to keep the blindfolds on, to deny their error in voting for him, and as for the Republican Senators, so many saying in private their concerns about him, while their public cowardice is vomitatious to the nth degree. They will never vote in public against this man because he has stolen their manhood, their decency, their self respect and their sense of responsibility towards and for their constituents and for the people of America. Plain and simple.
     What to do? Support the inquiry. Hear the facts. Be open to the truth. Accept the fact that you placed your trust in the wrong man. Understand that we are at a fork in the road and this fork is one with no return date, a red line. We need to choose carefully and wisely. We need to save humanity rather than destroy it. Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Perry, the Secretaries, McConnell, the numissiaries, - they all must go. To prison. To private lives. Just anywhere out of public life, responsibility and power.
     As the song said, "The times, they are a'changin' ". What will that change be? Who will benefit? What will the United States actually become? And my bet on that is a group of regionally united former states and a constant state of sniping and even warfare between them. Extreme? Yes, but then again,whoever thought we would have the nasty and demented person we now have as President and the godawful fact that formerly sane and mostly law abiding citizens support him, closing themselves off from the truth.
     Oh, yes. The stench of it all is overwhelming but we need to put on the noseclips and wade into it and fight against it. If we do not, well, unfortunately, I will be able to say, told ya so, but I pray it does not come to that.

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