Wednesday, December 18, 2019


     How much worse can it get? It seems to me that the entire world is both imploding and exploding at the same time and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. We, the people, have allowed this. We, the people, have even encouraged it while others are now numbed to the whole crisis, thinking, hoping, that wishing it away or ignoring it will make it disappear before it causes any changes to our oh so merry lives. How wrong they are. How dangerously wrong they are.
     Yesterday, a man who sits illegitimately in the Oval Office, had a true meltdown and even then the cowed and cowardly Republicans defended the man. He ranted and raved, strung together all his insane tweets, threw in his imbecilic punctuation, or rather lack of proper form, all in a six page rant on WH letterhead, allowing it to be introduced as evidence at his mockery of a trial, spouted dangerous things and yet, there he is, smiling in the warmth of his Party's approval and defend him unto death posture.
     Kudos to Pelosi for basically ignoring it, yet there it is. What people seem to have also ignored is his statement during the news conference as he met with the Guatemalan President. He stated, when asked about the letter, that "they do these things better in Guatemala, handle it better". Really? Know how it is handled there? With imprisonment, repression, oppression, torture and death. Is that what is in store for us here in America?Are all the protesters of last nite, all of us commentators and bloggers to keep watch for the men in black masks carrying more black sacks? Have we truly gone down this road, and continue down this road, to the end and see democracy become a dim memory, America a dim memory?
     No, lividity does not even begin to cover this. Yet, how many of us out there are maintaining that it has nothing to do with us or stating that we are tired of this, will await the outcome? Are we so willing to concede defeat, to give up on the true wonderfulness of America, its concepts and ideals? Have we become so lost? How are people still saying that well, maybe, depending upon who is the Democratic nominee, perhaps they might still have to vote for Trump! Really! A flea, a tree stump, a gnat, anyone is better than Trump. Perhaps we will disagree with some policies as is normal, but the alternative is an almost definite dissolution of our country. Hell, I am not even sure that should he lose the election - oh, please, Dear Lord, - will he even vacate the building, claiming all sorts of insane crimes and misdeeds and then what? A civil war? A twisted presidium? The choices get worse and worse. NO! This man is a clear and present danger to our country. Period. He needs to go.
     Among all this strife and aggravation and existential threats, we Jews have another horror upon us. As I read yesterday, perhaps we need to change the slogan into a warning for all: Never Again becomes Again and Again. Around the world, since time began, anti Semitism, the murdering of Jews, the sacking of Jewish villages, the killing of men, women, children, old and young, in the most vile and violent manners possible - well, it is almost expected, though one did hope that it might have been gone. Yet, there it is again, all over the place, in signs,in rising political parties, in attacks on Jews.
      But we thought, here, in America, well, we thought most anti semitism had gone the way of all dead and dangerous ideas. Yes, it was underground to an extent, and definitely lined the hearts and minds of some nasty people, but as a whole, America was to be safe grounds, a refuge for us as we built the nation along with other citizens. But now? Oh no! Not what we hoped. Once again we are being murdered, in places of business, in stalled attacks on our schools, in our synagogues, on the streets, when people even jump out of cars to attack a passing Jewish person. We are cursed on buses, trains, our homes, religious and otherwise, are graffitied with cruel language and hate art, cursed as we walk, going about our business.
     But then we step it up a bit, unwillingly too. A young lady on a train was denied a seat, cursed out and at, had to listen as the woman cheered on the actions and slayings in Jersey City and promised more of the kind and then attacked the woman, tearing at her face. But she chose the wrong woman who stood up for herself and wears the wounds on her face with pride. She stood up for her people, for her religion, for what she is, and proudly so. In the video of the attack, at the end, she states that we all must react, defend, do not stand there and take it. I so agree,
     Tonite we are going to a conference on global anti Semitism, what it means and how to combat it. It is not the first on this topic in recent days, nor the last, for the Jewish community is alarmed, rightfully so. And here we go again. And again. And again.
     No, lividity x2 to infinity does not begin to describe the details and depths of the anger I feel. They are tied together, for Trump is a deep in the soul anti Semite, cursing them to their faces and thinks false temporary gestures can mitigate what he stands for, what he encourages others to do. No, these two problems are tied together and the hatred of the 'other", whomever that might be at any given moment, is a growing danger for us all. Hatred has no border and no edges, no limits to its devastating effects on all.
     Livid x2 to infinity and beyond and that is not enough! We must stop this and now! In all its forms, its instigators, its perpetrators and perpetualists. The danger is now. The time is now. Recognize it, accept the truth, and act upon it. Let us use our legal nd civil rights while we still have them.

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