Tuesday, December 17, 2019


      And McCain rolls over in his grave. His daughter states on her TV show that she is not there to argue the ethics of the situation but rather the politics of it. Aha!! Is this an open admission that the ethics of the whole impeachment mess, or farce, actually, are totally distinct and separate from the politics of it? Oh, yes, she is correct, but to hear that admission is like music to the ears.
     Quite frankly, ethics are noticeable here due to their obvious absence on the Republican side. Susan Collins, who masqueraded as a sensible Republican, shattered that image when she supported the sexual pervert Kavanaugh and now she is ranting about the impeachment of Trump, the worst President ever, worse than Carter and that is WOW!
     Giuliani wants to appoint another ambassador to the Ukraine, but do it in such a way as to ease his "investigations" into the Bidens, a dead horse if ever I saw one. But this is their way. Beat that dead horse, whip it till the dead become alive, for truth is abnegated here and lies, falshoods, become the New Truth in the Trumpian world of 2019-20. They want a long trial, no, a short one, no, a long one, defense witnesses but none for the Democrats adn you know what, we really are extending this crisis by calling the side by their political names.
     This should be a decision of conscience but what to do when so many people appear to have tossed these consciences on the trash heap? Why is it so clear to so many about the guilt, the corruption, the destruction that he causes, he and his abettors, his co-conspirators, as we edge ever closer to oligarchic rule. Why can people stand there, look at the truth, and then excuse it for various reasons, or even deny it all. According to so many lieing and/or deluded folks, there is a huge 'Deep State' conspiracy and it amazes me how so much cooperation could be found for this presumed plot and its members. Professions that are known to argue have apparently gotten together in this mammoth 'witch hunt'!!!! Seriously! How can this even be allowed to be uttered without huge gales of laughter greeting it? And yet, here it is and people spout that garbage all over the media and wherever their hot air takes them. Feh!!!!!(Disgusting!!)
     At least there are some Republicans who have seen the light as they put up billboards asking the obvious question that remains to be answered. What is Trump hiding? That is the crux of the matter. What is in those financial papers? We already have evidence disclosed of financial fraud, of trangresssions of laws on all levels of government, on theft from a charity to the tune of $2 million dollars. What else do those stifled and duct taped witnesses have to add to this mess? What words of clarification can they add? Why is Trump defying the law, Congress, and refusing to answer subpoenas and will the Senate subpoena these witnesses and documents? Seriously? Never!! For that would put the kibbosh on their lies and rants of his innocence of misdeeds, for he is such a good fella! Just misunderstood.
      Frankly, there is no misunderstnading him or his cohorts. They all are chasing the road to power, even as they cede power to the man who wishes to undo our years as a democracy and establish his own dynasty with his three oldest children being groomed for roles as royalty in this regime, named so or not. Sound ridiculous? But go back over all that has happened. See a bubbleheaded socialite suddenly become an "astute" stateswoman. See how a definitely not a writer tries to offload her book as original thinking when it is really a compilation of the words of others. Watch as her business folds, how she and her husband have become the senior advisers in the White House, as they chuck their formerly liberal leanings down the chute, all the better to curry favor with papa and gain leverage over all else. See how their very dumb, negative, crude, brothers have joined the clown parade with their spouting of hate and nonsense, full of lies, and goads to violence.
    See how the American people have allowed this to happen, overiding those who object. See how we will become sad faced clowns as we mock the process by which we can hold the President responsible for high crimes and misdemeanors, for betraying his country, our country, via his actions and statements. Probably, we should assess his mental health and put him away some place where he cannot perpetrate his treachery any longer, but we will not do that, will we? Nope, we will watch the TV and computer screens and then say we knew it all along; he would be acquitted, even declared innocent by those Republican Senators who will so eagerly have ceded their powers to him.
     Lord, Lord, what a mess we have created. How can we possibly undo this if we can ever get him out of office? How do we dismiss the incompetent and biased judges he appointed and the Senate Republicans approved, even as the Bar Association condemned them? What do we do? What can we do? What will we do? Your guess is as good as mine and in the meanwhile, I am consumedwith that grief and despair I wrote of yeterday.   We need Bonnie Tyler to sing once again in full voice how we need a hero! Perhaps this time wishing can make it so.

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