Friday, February 21, 2020


     The above three topics, traits, virtues, used to be valued here in America. Yes, there were those who did not, among them many politicians. However, our top politician today, Trump, carries out their denial, their abnegation, to the nth degree and the worst thing about it is that no one says a thing other than to politely point it out and then onto the next day's horrific deed from the top criminal, not the top cop, as he claims to be.
     "You don't say that, even if it's true." And there you have it in one little sentence, the whole raison d'etre and tenet of Trump and the Republican party of today. In fact, so deeply are they enmeshed in this topsy turvy world where the criminal runs the joint, where there is no longer any law that is immutable, safe from tampering, where in fact the criminal openly brags of his power, so deeply enmeshed are they that they can never dig themselves out of this. Certainly not in the historical sense. That record cannot be erased from the historical records. But realistically speaking, why should they care, as things seem to be going their way and all rights of Americans are being erased, an inch, a foot, a yard, a mile, at a time,  definitely under attack.
     So why are we sitting here allowing this to happen? Why are the wildest statements or stabs at the future actually coming true? Why have we allowed this criminal, this perverter of justice, this man who claims final and top authority under which he can pardon all who support him to do so? Those who committed crimes for him, mostly white, male, and rich, who stole money from the citizens of this nation by medical fraud, tax fraud, financial fraud, drug trading - and yet, Trump's buddies go free. Worse, he announces openly, brazenly, that those now in the chute of trials and convictions followed by sentences, will be pardoned as they are "worthy" of it!! Worthy? One has to be worthy if one is to commit a crime, an attack on America in its consequences, and then be 'worthy' of being pardoned, of Trump interfering in the whole process? It is mind boggling.
     How did we ever let this happen and most puzzling, why. Why do people keep making excuses for him? Why do people say they could not vote for Hilary because her husband lied - but when the doer of the nasty, the committer of the misdeeds - plural -  comes along, it is okay? How and why do they just ignore his tampering with the judicial system, not only stacking the deck for decades to come with ignorant judges, but boldly interfering, openly, and the consequences will pile up. Be sure of that. Batman's Arkham Manor in real life. Check it out.
     However, the worst is yet to come. I have long warned of civil war and I do not mean in the courts. These courts are becoming ever more useless thanks to the machinations of Trump and the apathy of the people. No, this is Civil War, with capitalized letters. There are calls for such a war all over the Net, boogaloo or whatever crazy name they give it. RAHOWA - racial holy wars in the minds of the perverted and the damned and think it is not here yet? Ask at the churches. Ask at the synagogues. Ask at the mosques. And that is right here in America - or what used to be America. There are many other voices now warning of this possibility. Wish it were not so. But it is, so what are we to do about this?
     First, get him gone from office. Come out and vote for his opponent, whomever it might be. Vote against any of those who supported him in Congress, in the House or Senate, in the states, just throw them out of office and the minute they are out, arrest them for the lies, the false statements, the obstruction of justice, the financial and civil frauds and crimes. Best of all - put an orange jumpsuit on that man and perp walk him to hell and gone.
     Right now - read carefully and see the awfulness of their deeds. Now Mulvaney says our economy is in dire need of legal immigrants. Ass! When immigrants are discouraged, arrested, separated from families, children thrown in cages, food, water and health care withheld, and all requests for asylum denied - well, tell me, Mr, Idiot, where are these so desperately needed immigrants to come from? There have been dire warnings of the effects of this policy, this hate filled policy, on our economy, but hatred triumphed and here we are.
     People, time is running short. We are running out of time and the fault is ours. Recognize that or you will be forced to recognize it and face the truths of the matter, of the situation, when we have a dictator for life, a family dynasty to remain as heirs, when benefits from the government are slashed, even totally wiped out, with people, here in America, starving, dying from exposure, even as the fatcats step over their bodies on their way to the newest posh restaurant, park their fancy polluting cars, and control the masks necessary to breathe the outdoor air of our fatally polluted world. Think I exaggerate? Calll me in ten years and let us see. If we are even able to do so. I have just been told for the third time this year that I cannot have the medicine I need because I am to use a cheaper version. This after these cheaper versions nearly killed me!! And after paying copays through the nose! Make that five years.
     Truth, honor, justice, humanity, striving to improve life for all, for protecting our planet, for the best we can be, not the worst. Think we will ever have it again? My glass is three quarters empty right now. No rosy outlook there. And yours? Be honest. Think long and hard. Harder yet.

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