Sunday, February 23, 2020


    There have long been warnings and talk of payment, for good or bad. Bad does not alwys get its just 'reward' nor does good get its reward in a timely manner. The recognition that should be paid towards those who do good in society, be it in a large manner or a small one, is not always there, and worse, is sometimes bitten back by those whom it has helped. That appears to be human nature. Sad, but true.
     Everyone from Aesop and his fables and morals to Churchill and his warnings re dictators, to intelligence agencies who suss out the nasty guys, the threats to nations, all have warned about those wishing to do harm to others and to an inevitable payback. He is much more optimistic than Aesop who warns of the scorpion  stinging its rescuer, even as Churchill says that the tigers ridden by dictators grow restless and hungry, and hungry tigers are no joke!
     Maintaining control over masses of people is not easy. They grow restless. They grow angry. They grow curious in a deadly way as to why things have become the way they are and then act upon that curiousity. Time and again throughout history, from ancient to modern times, dictators have been overthrown by the very same people the dictator thinks he/she controls to the nth degree.
     Today, here in what once was America, a symbol to and for the world, we have a growing dictatorship. The dictator wannabe has been quite successful in terrorizing and fooling the people around him and in a supposed base. Yet there are rumblings, from some very heavy people, Sotomayor dished it out good in her dissent, as Trump et al try to destroy the haven that America is supposed to be, was, yet is now turning its back on it all. Case after case has been rushed through the now corrupted and weakened justice system, no time to debate, to fight, to keep America, America. 
     Yet another attack on the very people who need America, like my great grandmother who was told she would be a burden, a charge, on the taxpayers even as my grandfather filled out sworn statement after statement that he and his wife, the daughter of my great grandmother, would see to it that never would she ever be a charge on the public. But nasty is as nasty does and the outcome was not good. That same person denied entrance was last seen, elderly, ill, abused, starved, being thrown into a cattlecar on its way to Belzec, a notorious death camp of the Nazis. An old woman who would harm no one, who was waiting to be welcomed into a loving home, loving arms, yet the fatcats had their way, just as they are doing now. What would this nation be today if not for the penniless immigrants who came here, fought in the Revolutionary War, established industries, libraries, fought for civil rights, for human rights? Where would we be? Certainly not where we are today.
     And yet maybe we would be, for today we have that Demented One, riding the angry and hungry tiger, the one that has had enough of the cruel rider, the tiger who is beginning to rebel, to face facts and the truth. We, the collective tiger, are tired of an ignorant person who cannot read, cannot write nor spell, does not think, is dangerously impulsive and as fickle as a puff of dandelion blown in the wind. Woe upon the rider who dismisses his own intelligence agencies. Woe upon the rider who cares for naught other than power in his hands, establishing a continuous family dynasty, getting richer, pulling the money from public pockets, and who appears to be sreriously mistaken as to who exactly are our enemies and whom our friends. That rider is dangerous, very much so, and I, for one, am getting angry, restless beyond all words and limits, and am getting hungry for America, the America I can pledge to, the America that I sang to as a child, the America that allowed my family members in, allowed us to grow in the air of this country, the America that is no longer.
     People wonder why so many vote for Sanders, seemingly an extremist of the left, who wants it all for the people and wants it NOW! Why? Because he is the inheritor of the old fabrente socialist who would sit in the cafes of New York, determined to fight for the rights of all people, the ones who fought against situations that led to the Triangle fire, to starvation of children, of homes with no food, no warmth, no security of a life that a person needs. People are tired of seeing this rider destroy all that we have achieved and see Sanders as the direct opposite of what we have now.
     He is not my pick. I favor a steady balanced person, Klobuchar, with a head screwed on straight, with feet firmly planted in middle grounds veering towards social justice and change, but in a realistic manner, for one cannot go from zero to sixty in a reform plan, unless that reform plan cares nothing for rules and regulations for the people. Sadly, that, my friends, is what we have now in Trump. That is why Sanders appeals to many, a protest vote, an angry vote from the tiger, from the masses of tigers who are seeing the light, the truth. Finally.
     And I am worried, very much so. The gap in America is growing by miles an hour, almost seeming unable to be breached, to be fixed, to be healed. We need to wake up and if we cannot get rid of this guy via the laws at this point, then vote him the hell out, cancel the influence, tricks and manipulations of the Russians who just love him and his messes, and then arrest him the minute he is outside theWH. Then, my friends, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, get down to serious work on repairing the damage and see to it that this never happens again. 

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