Monday, February 24, 2020


     There are no answers anymore. Neither are there almost any questions anymore. It is just such a topsyturvy world that it is hard to believe in anything anymore. Are the Russians truly interfering in our elections once more? Yes, I believe they are and that is enough to shock one right out of one's shoes. Indeed yes, but what is more shocking is that it appears that they are playing both sides of the street, interfering with both sides of the election, all the better to eat us up. Yup, that big old bad wolf has decided that we are Little Red Riding Hood, ripe for the picking once again and look yummy enough to eat, even as we become a Third World nation, a plaything for Russia, a country which has a broken economy, but evidently feels that messing around with us will save their nuts, pull them right out of the fire. And you know what? So far, they are correct in their assumption.
     The USA right now is in the midst of a soul searching campaign wherein we have to decide who we are, who we wish to be and how hard are we willing to fight for our dreams, our ideals, our place in the panopoly of nations. Have we lost our soul? Have we lost our courage as a nation? Have we decided that it is easier to succumb to a dictator, roll over and play dead when and while he takes away the rights set forth in our Constitution, all the amendments, while all those once anti Trumpers in the GOP rollover and expose themselves all in their fevered desire to enhance their own little worlds at the cost of the world of the nation.
     Who the hell are we and who the hell have we become? What the hell has happened? What has happened is that we have become weak. We have backed away from difficult decisions, from hard questions and even harder answers. We decided, in 2016, much to our detriment, that a clown would be the answer for the next few years, give us a bit of comic relief, for after all, how much damage could a reality star, a businessman who goes perpetually bankrupt, actually do? Well, we have certainly found out and the joke, the bitter, dangerous joke, is on us.
     Meeting with an unanticipated success on their part, the Russians have now decided to go all in and play the puppeteer on both sides of the stage. They have meddled with both the Republican and the Democrats and are sitting there, snug and smug as bugs in a rug as they watch us tear ourselves apart, hopefully, for them, to finish the job in the big election in November. Two sides of the nation, the fooled, the befuddled, the desperate, will go out and vote and what happens after the results are in? Who the hell and what the hell come into play there once again.
     We have forgotten that there are angry people out there, people who have felt evergrowing thoughts and feelings of abandonment, of desperation, from top to bottom, and are in the throes of horror as they contemplate a possible win by Trump. How that will happen, will it go to the courts in either result? Will it permanently tear us apart, the United States become the Parted States, the once upon the time striving Camelot? Will there be violence at the polls? Will there be violence, hacking, at counts and recounts? Will Trump leave the WH if defeated and G-d help us either way. What the hell and who the hell will be waiting there to confuse and terrorize, paralyze into inaction and worse reactions.
     Only G-d knows the final results and I am not sure if even He knows for sure, so crazy are the happenings of the times.  What I do know is that He is angry. He is angry at what His creations have become, at the level of defiance they have displayed, at their return to the evil days depicted in the Bible, in all the holy books of whatever religion one picks. Think not? Locusts!! Floods. Droughts. World epidemics, a possible pandemic for which there is no cure and a dastardly death rate. Earthquakes. Devastating fires. Eruptions of once dead volcanoes in deadly cataclysms of Nature. Mud slides. The very existence of the planet as a place for inhabitation called into question. What next? Who the hell and what the hell. And I, for sure, have no idea what the hell to answer and I bet neither do you. That is the hole we have dug for ourselves, for a possible future - or not. Hell, I am desperate too, just as concerned and worried, perhaps a bit more than some others, but then again, what the hell!!

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