Friday, March 20, 2020


     The words in the title are the words which tell us what we were and are not getting now or perhaps ever in the last four years, at least from the federal government. The lies that come tripping out of the mouths are as foul as if one were simply standing there spewing curse words. Perhaps this is even worse as curse words generally do not kill, but falsehoods re this damned virus do kill, have killed and will keep killing. According to various experts, if we keep up this pathetic response, it will kill as many as 1.1 million Americans. Again: 1.1 million. And that is only a guesstimate. It could be more.
     In 2018 Trump killed the Board that was responsible for planning for pandemics. He decided, unilaterally, within his teeny tiny twisted mind that there would never be such a thing. A student of history he is not, nor of modern trends and risks, to say the least and therefore he stood firm on that catastrophic decision. And that was that.
     More disasters combined to get us to where we are now. First, we need to rememer that the majority of Americans voted for Clinton and only an antiquated, dangerously anti democracy organ, the Electoral College, put that ass into office. That was the beginning. We then were treated to a never ending river of lies, of concepts of oxymoronic proportions, fake news, fake media, deep state, coups to oust presidents, and it just went on and on. People grew tired of it all. People began to divide to such an extent that America grew a huge chasm in its heart. Friends and families could no more discuss politics as it became emotional. It was a choice between decency and rot, between democracy and ever encroaching corruption and stomping on American traditional values. It tore at the core of America, worse day by day, month by month.
     In October, 2019, there was a draft report based on a scenario of a pandemic hitting the world, hitting the USA. It was horrific in its conclusions even as the present day situation appears to be even worse. The conclusions of this report stated that we were "underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed." and was marked absolutely "not to be disclosed"!! The situation today, in real life, is even more dire, with confusion at the federal level and we are supposed to breathe easy because Kushner, yet again, has pushed himself into this mess, working against federal officials engaged in this war for survival of America - all to our great detriment.
     The fabric of life of the world has been torn, shredded, and we are not different here, though there is one difference. That is that Americans do not seem to follow the restrictions and lockdowns, particularly the young. They aparently believe they are invincible and are partying away at resort areas and beaches. Even as families are locked down with members who are ill, leaving the elderly in nursing homes, deserted, almost abandoned, and parents frightened for their children.
     How do we fix the problem? Brighter minds than I have not come up with definitive answers other than lockdowns and pushing research on vaccines, at least a year to year and a half away. Stupidity, dangerous stupidity of Trump, pushing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine is dangerous, given that they are not approved, and I repeat, NOT APPROVED, for coronavirus, are in short supply anyway, and there are dangerous side effects including mental ones in addition to severe physical issues such as heart damage and increased muscle weakness. Humph! That kind of leaves out a whole bunch of people, does it not!
     Here are two interesting tidbits. We now find that two GOP Senators, in positions and places to get the news first, immediately sold out their stocks. Yup! Even as the rest of us are watching our pitiful holdings of a lifetime shrink and shrink and shrink. Insider trading on a national level. Jail, anyone?Like that would ever happen as we sink further and further into a morass of corruption and moral filth in that ever growing swamp of Trump.
       Here is another. Trump is not averse to gaining a federal stock holding in major industries. UH, WHAT? Government in the business of industry, nationalizing to a degree, and this after pushing huge bailouts? They were vehemently against Obama when he did that and that led to the prosperous economy that Trump takes credit for - that is, until it tanked! Sounds like socialism to me!! Socialism! Socialism? What gives here, folks? What is going on?
    The problem is that there is no one that truly knows what is going on or has any amount of control oer the mess. So we are left in a faulty vacuum, all the better to spread the disease, this nasty virus. And no one, no one, has any real and viable solution to the massive Depression - not recession - that will be here within moments. We are way past recession, even at the level of the  Great Depression and the sooner recognized, the sooner dealt with.
      Get rid of these incompetent, crooked Republicans in the election and let us get started on a path, a difficult and long one to a recovery - in mind and body. That is my first step to a solution.

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