Sunday, March 22, 2020


     "I have to tell you, the throwing away of the masks,being in private business, the throwing away of the  mask right away, they're throwing it away,"....
      These nearly incoherent and ignorant words issue from the mouth and very limited mind of Trump, our supposed to be leader in a time of crisis, a "wartime" president as he has taken to calling himself so much of late. He enjoys constant hinting at powers  that people do not realize he has under this act, implying use of them as needed. However, when I think of other leaders of wartime America, FDR, Truman, even Bush #2, there was a dedication, a concentration, a reaching out to the world, to the people of the country, emphazizing inclusion and unity. All the while this useless, yet dangerous man is sharpening the divide, deepening its depth and width.
     But there is far worse than this. Even as one fourth of the country is on lockdown - and growing - as NY has half of the over 20,000 identified so far with the virus, even as all levels of authority search for protection for their doctors, nurses, for EMT, for hospital orderlies, this man refuses to order the companies to ramp up. Why? Only seeking in the deep reaches of his limited mind might we find an answer and it would not be a pretty one either!
     The world has changed. We will never be the same again. We will forever have a new Before and After and I doubt the prettiness of this New World. Much of the world has now isolated itself from all others. World trade can descend into the realms of 18th century, if that. Conveniences that we know will be lost. Flights? Ha! And the very deep hurting of social distancing, particularly at a time when one needs that hug, that laughter, that family togetherness, those good friends - we do  not have them. We purposely isolate ourselves, children from aging parents, grandparents yearning to hug their grandchildren. Denied!!
     All the while the prejudice grows, encouraged by those who wish to focus attention elsewhere, anywhere other than on them and their faults, their dangerous approaches to the problem at hand. So Trump calls it a "Chinese" virus and blames our current insufficient response on them even as they told us of the threat way back in  December and then we sat on our hands as it grew and grew and took over countries with an everwidening scything of the Grim Reaper's sword. Anti Asian feeling grew even as anti Semitism ramped up as well, with the ancient canard of blame falling on them as well. Typical responses, typical tools of a government mired in its own morass that it created itself. Even as the idiot sends a letter to Kim offering aid!!! when we are overwhelmed here. Even as he continues to spout lies and more lies and then tries to cover up with yet more inanities and lies. Even as the country is drowning in debt, in layoffs in the millions, he continues to spend needless funds on that hateful wall! Priorities?
     But here is where it gets truly frightening. The Justice Department, that corrupted organ of government, has asked Congress to give it powers that break all our traditions, all our laws, all our constitutional provisions. We return to yesteryear with people being held without trials, violating the right of habeas corpus - to appear before a judge -, to have the power to suspend the entire court system and process ANY time they, the chief judges and the President, deem it necessary. We are retreating to the time of Star Chambers, kangaroo courts, disappearances and lynchings.
     This is when we will get a calling off of the elections in Novermber. Too much turmoil we will be told. Too much danger to change horses midstream. Never mind that the horse we are presently on is useless, and dangerous at the same time. This is when Congress will be asked to vote on these new demands with armed guards surrounding them so as to insure obedience to requests. Think not? Think never here? Think again and see how the country has changed over the past four years. We have grown less and less democratic and leaned heavier into the authoritarian side. Not good, my friends, not good.
     Over the past four years, especially the past two years, I have written of what would be, what could be. I was told I went too far. I exaggerated. It would never be. It was America after all. And then came children in cages. Along came a sociopath for a president. Along came a dangerous paranoid narcissist. Along came a national party that lost its cojones in a dangerous manner and took the country down a dangerous road with a dead end for democracy at the end of that road. Along came rallies which called for jailings of opponents, swollen with a blood lust that seemingly knew no bounds nor needed any reason other than a man in a damned red hat speaking rabble rousing dangerous words. 
     Along came a man who did not fiddle, but did play golf, as the country deteriorated, as the economic recovery started by Obama collapsed into ruins by Trump's behavior, his policies, his incompetence, the corruption rife in his administration, the impotence of the GOP, the lack of expert knowledge in appointees and the chasing out of those with knowledge from his administration and the civil service.
     I have sat here in the wee hours of the night, unable to sleep, and written warnings, pleas, prayers, and explanations. I set off alerts, alarms, sirens, and have been told by some that I have jumped the shark. Well, I wish that were so, but it is not. All that I have written has soon been taken up by so many others. I plead with all of you, all of us, hear the dangers, hear the whispers and shivers of fear, feel the discomfort of patriots, true patriots, as the very heart and soul of our country are being drained. The danger, the clear and present danger to our survival as a Democracy, as the United States of America is there to see. The new title of our country - well,look at the title of this posting and let us make sure that never comes to fruition.
    Lord, I pray not. I pray that we reach our senses before that, that we stand watch over our country, that we do not allow the misnomered, mistitled Justice Department gain its requests. Let us force the men and women of Congress, both Houses, to stand and and be counted in the war for our survival. Let us insist on fair elections in November, with provisions for more mail in ballots and for less harassment at the polls. 
     Let us be Americans - forever and a day.
     Let us start that revival now.

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