Tuesday, April 21, 2020


     That is the term used by one writer yesterday in describing the status quo of life today. Everybody seems to be reaching these milestones of bad news and yet nothing seems to be happening to reduce them in occurrence or in depth. They range in seriousness from being afraid to allow a needed repair technician into one's home, to the grim numbers of those infected and those dead. We have the dubious honor, reached the grim milestone, of being the hottest epicenter among nations of the world. How special!!
     Another milestone? Well, how about the tragic one of the youngest victim in Michigan, a 5 year old cutie. How about the number of over 1,000 people in the NY Jewish community sitting shiva, the Jewish mourning period, and most doing it alone. Yet another? Okay. Oil prices are now negative per barrel and exactly what that means is not really known, nor how long it will last as this has never happened before. Yet another blow to the battered economy.
     Then, of course, we have the milestones marked by the "don't know" answer as we struggle to stay afloat, as human beings, as family members, as citizens, as people who have responsibilities to themselves and others. How long to keep isolated? Don't know. Why is Barr such a puppet for Trump when he is supposed to be neutral? Don't know. Why is the Government Accountability Office opening many, many investigations related to the disbursement of business loans and the corruption going on? Why are big businesses siphoning off billions when the small businesses the funding was meant for are left hanging out to dry? Don't know. Well, maybe we do know, as we have the most corrupt and inept administration and president ever. 
     How are we to go forward with confidence when we have a man in the WH who refuses to answer with truths rather than lies and denials, who refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions and words? When his responses to questions are either poisonous for the one who asked the question, their employers, and as far away from the truth as it is possible to get without disappearing off the face of the planet?
     This President has the dubious honor of being the most inane one we have ever had, especially in a time of existential danger. When and how will the big cities thrive again, become alive again? Don't know. Why have the Covid briefings turned into false congratulatory, self praising,  untruthful plaudits for Trump rather than filled with accurate information? Don't know. But wait, for we do know. This man is simply incapable of turning away from himself, his egotistical needs, his demented mind, and will answer with the stupidest answers ever. Such  a wonderul milestone.
     Need some examples to understand? Here are a few. Feel nauseous? Me too! And in the same sentence comparing himself to Lincoln? Ugh!!
      "You don't have the brains you were born with."
     "I got here with the worst, most unfair press treatment they say in the history of the United States for a president. They did say Abraham Lincoln had very bad treatment."
           Yet another milestone. Egypt, a Third World country, a country where its citizens are plagued with medical shortages and lack of care, Egypt has now sent us a planeload of medical supplies and medications. How shameful a milestone is this? How strongly does this highight the incompetence of this administration and its  s    l    o    w response to the pandemic as it struck massive blows across the globe. When he continued to hold his mob rallies, and then denying this in the most ridiculous and incomprehensible manner. "I don’t know about rallies. I really don’t know about rallies,” “Did I hold a rally? I’m sorry. I hold a rally. Did I hold a rally?”
     The outrageous censorship of people, of responsible people who tell the truth, the assumption of powers never granted to any President, let alone one working with minimum capacity and a great big hunger for power - all these are milestones we could have done without. All these 'don't know' answers that desperately need answers, I do know answers.
     In the meanwhile, back at the ranch here in CV, we are at last going to be tested, finally, in a community of the most endangered grouping. Would that we had a viable, reliable antibody test to see if we actually had a case of the virus and can then donate our plasma to help others, to simply know if we are safe to visit others, to see family again, to help others in their time of need. But.....don't know if and when that will ever happen nor when the vaccine will be created, tested and produced in such massive amounts that the world will be able to be dosed.
     In the meanwhile, it would be nice if our bossman here would be more forthcoming as to the doings of UCO during these months. The Village continues to exist so what is going on? Is Don Foster the only one with something to report? What about the four VPs? What about the issue with the Treasurer where he is denied information? What's going on, as Marvin Gaye asked. Well, we don't know, do we? A little information, Mr. President, for it would be so helpful.
      And also in the meanwhile, be well. Stay safe. We mourn with you as we all are beginning to have those struck down by the virus, those who heal and have a new struggle and those who pass, leaving behind great big holes in our lives. So....we are with you. Be safe, be well and stay that way.
     Here is a little tidbit you might like. The nations of the world who have female leaders seem to be doing better - as do states as well. Hmmm. Food for thought.

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