Monday, April 27, 2020


     It really is quite simple. People like to know that the person who is in charge is not an automaton nor an unfeeling damaged being. Leaders are often chosen for this very reason, for their likeability factor, for their empathy, for that human factor. Shoes must be able to be borrowed, for one to walk in the shoes of another for at least several miles. Then, and only then, can one understand the issues, the feelings, the needs of the other. It is the human factor.
      People will accept not such a clever person for a leader if that person has that empathy. They do not need a genius, for those are available for the hiring, even though one could say that it might take a perverted kind of 'genius' to score perfect tens on hiring or relying on non experts who persist in spoiling the broth for the rest of us.
     The human factor is very much in question these days and it is about time. Oh, there have been mutterings. There has been talk. There have been those who have openly pointed out the issues, the severe lack of that factor, of empathy, of humanity, but it seems that not until now has the public, the media, been emboldened enough to speak openly about this issue.
    We could see the fraying of the relationship between the President and the media, those whose job is to present him, his words and deeds to the public. The extreme outliers received credentials and the mainstream ones were sidelined and insulted. They have taken to arguing with him aloud, in public, at the so called briefings that are rallies in not such clever disguise as he childishly wants, needs, to move these  reporters far away from him. But now, well, now, he has breached the walls of credibility, to the point that he has endangered the lives of those who remain deluded by him, who follow his words with the devotion of pets and masters, who despite their brains refuse to believe he is that much of an unfeeling idiot, and continue to write excuse notes to the public for his misspeaking.
     Self praise is not worth much. The self praiser garners a well deserved reputation as a great man in his own mind and not really in the minds of others, particularly those who follow along behind him, trying to keep him on that child leash/leader, who have to clean up his messes, so unseemly in their public aspects and forums.
      Now, now I have hope Now maybe there are enough voices to counter his rabid public performances, his rallies, his mob rallies, his rousing them to a pitch and fever almost comparable to a lynch mob. Now maybe people will pay attention to his words, be they praise for monsters, or self praise for himself, statements that flaunt his stupidity and/or dementia, and highlight his severe lack of care and compassion for any other than himself and perhaps those of his family
     So this 'stable genius', this dangerous know nothing who suggested and forced the use of anti malarial drugs that can cause deaths - and did - who made nonsensical statements about the pandemic - that is when he finally deigned to pay attention to it - has now breached a red line so loud, so blaring that it should frighten all.
     His latest gaffe is frightening. The last people who thought it a wonderful idea to inject cleansing fluid and chemicals into people were - wait for it... the Nazis, among whom Mengele and the entire medical corps - a misnomer if ever I saw one - stand out. So perhaps we should just follow his suggestion as it appears that people were willing to do this, so much so that governmental officials and medical personnel had to warn against this in public announcements. 
     This is more than sad. This isdangerous. That a person, a presumed leader, should suggest such a dangerously inappropriate idea, that so many would believe it, that so many experts have either been discarded along the way or caved to pressure and fear of and by this man that they forgot their oaths, their true knowledge, and allowed him to continue on in public office, claiming that he is indeed dressed in beautiful clothing, well, we need a change. Immediately, if not sooner.
     I know that the Devil's Spawn, that unmoving, robot who stands  alongside as his master speaks, might not be any better, but at least he has not spoken words and suggested actions reminiscent of monsters. Perhaps 'Mother" would allow him to display some emotion, even a smile, maybe?
     Truly, think about it, for this is beyond serious. Bad enough that Trump has no brains, due to original lack or increasing dementia, but now he has descended to the point where he believes in outloud praise for dangerous actions, for truly bad 'science', that type of science practiced by monsters in human form.
     To have this non feeling, brain damaged, irrational and spoiled bullying child as the head of government, as he surely takes us down some dangerous path, as rumors of his refusal to accept the results of the future election should he lose - and oh please, Lord, let him lose big time! His deconstructing all the safety regulations, his shredding of the social safety net, his sheer incompetence exactly when the country and the world need a leader of the most powerful country in the world to step up to the plate rather than drag in his raggedy hems closer and closer to himself as his paranoia grows - all this is due in large part to the lack of the human factor in his emotional makeup.
      There is no compassion within him for those who have suffered from this virus or who have lost loved ones to it. There is no sympathy for the little guys whose businesses have gone under, who need those loans, even as he and his facilitated big business getting the very same funds meant for the little dudes and dudettes. The human factor? Gone, if it ever was there in the first place. And certainly his murderous suggestion certainly ranks up there along with The Rev. Jones and his poison Kool - Aid, with the insane experiments of cleaning agent injections into humans by the Nazis.
     I have said it before and say it again, more sure than ever. The man is a clear and present danger to the nation and using the paths and directions of the Constitution, should be removed from office, even if it is for only the remaining months and certainly should be precluded from running again. It is common sense. It is safety. It is the human factor.
     In the meanwhile, despite, or in spite, of his nasty statements and behavior, think, be well, stay safe.


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