Tuesday, April 28, 2020


     ......kill or be killed? To sit in confusion as to exactly what do new regulations and "opening" really mean? To feel like that kid in the classroom who always has a question or a hundred re the new assignment? To feel grateful and oh so appreciative when the death figure is casually ramped up to 70,000 and we should feel grateful that it is not 2.2 million? To wonder if shortages will continue? To wonder more worryingly about the changes in our daily lives now and how much trust we have lost in our governments as politics played life and death games - with us as the pieces? To wonder at G-d's mighty powers to so  seemingly have invested such a multitude of talent in Jared and aren't we lucky he is using them so 'unselfishly and competently' for us? (LOL)
     So the leader of the lockdown protesters in North Carolina has an asymptomatic case of the virus. Serves her right! And should it go symptomatic will she expect to be cared for, isolated for her safety and for those of the health care workers? Or will she continue to demand that she is free to go kill people as she walks among them? Contagious.
     Now, about those evidently negligible 70,000 deaths that the 'genius' now predicts. Sure, it is great that we hopefully will not hit the larger numbers into the millions, but trust me, each and every death is too much. He sits there in the WH, protected, taking tests at least twice a week, all supplies brought to him, as he so devotedly pays attention all day long to the TV and tweets away his truly inane statements and babyish nicknames for any and all opponents. Like Alfred E. Neuman, he follows the mantra of "What, me worry?" and why not, as he openly states he "takes no responsibility", that wonderful leader of ours and pays no attention to daily briefings that openly warned him time and time again about the pandemic upon us, all the way back in January when he sat on his thumb and rotated.
     In the meanwhile, we are left to wonder, with no sure answers, as to exactly what the easing of restrictions means. Can we now have picnics in the park, close to each other? Do we need to mask up for all outdoor activities? Will the airlines supply the masks they are beginning to require? Are we allowed to eat in the restaurants and is it safe? If so why are some remaining closed or only delivering? Do the others have some magic potion that makes them safer, like perhaps injections of cleaning agents!! And when, oh when, will the theaters and the movies reopen?
     And what about the right to pursue life and happiness? Will we get our jobs back? When? When? Will grandparents be able to hug their little ones again, not virtually, but in reality, getting those kisses, holding hands? What about the resurgence predicted in the winter, along with the flu? Are plans being made to produce and distribute the vaccine whenever it arrives? And fairly? Are plans, realistic plans, being drawn up to face and combat the next pandemic because it is on the way?
      An added treat - you now have the right to listen as the Trump campaign gets really down in the dirt as the original pervert, the one who talks of how he assaulted women, boasts of it, demeaned them, hints that Biden did the same. Better watch out, as dirt thrown into the wind often blows back on that thrower. Be warned. Redrum! 
    We have murdered so much of our former lives, accepted so much demeaning and disgusting behavior, ignored and shrugged shoulders at incompetence, at a TV addict as President, and you, we, I, all have the right to wonder where and when this stops, how much damage will we have to fix? As for the return of a functioning economy, well, I would leave that to the experts, but they all seem to have suffered bus accidents, meeting wheels as those wheels run right over them! Our new 'experts' have never met a ridiculous plan they do not love and the few experts still remaining, for however much time they have, have managed any kind of success only after a hard slog against the current of the Demented One.
      So, you have the right to worry, to question, to fret, to long for life as it was, to sit with your family again, to fly there in peace, to hope again.
For sure, you have the right to demand answers about the poor or not even there planning re pandemics, why the president, even after briefings, closed the one office meant to deal with and plan for it? Because he is an idiot? Yes, but it is so much more than that. When supposedly intelligent people actually twist themselves into pretzels trying to write off his suggestion of poisonous and homicidal injections, then what, do we give up? Do we throw our hands up in the air and give in to despair?
     No! We have the right to a better life. We have a right to want to have confidence in our leaders, be assured that they at least have a modicum of intelligence, enough to know that they need to hear their experts, need to pay attention, and need to turn off that FOX station!!
     For sure we have the right to demand that voting be free of tampering and partisan wrestling. We have the right to get out there and vote. Vote to change the WH. Vote to change the composition of the Senate. Vote the hypocrites out, the wimps with no cojones, with the lack of morals or an inner constitution to combat the spoiler in their midst, the one that has perverted a once elegant and American valued party.
     Most of all, first of all and last of all, you, we, I, have the right to expect the government at all levels to put the constituents first, to protect them, to insure their safety as best it can be done. We have the right to throw them out when they are less than satisfactory. We have the right to expect a fair administration that appoints proper, qualified judges, that our legislative and judicial branches will not collude with the executive branch against the people.
      And we have the right to be well, to be safe, to be able to go back to the simple ciao, or adieu, of bye for now, of see ya later, of ta ta, and not the wish for all to be safe! Think about it. Think abut how quickly  it became part of everyday life. Be well. Stay safe. Remember, that mantra also has meaning and advice for the rest of our lives, especially in the wise choosing of leaders.
      Be safe and do well in our choices.

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