Tuesday, June 23, 2020


      At times it is good to be impulsive. Taking a walk. Playing a game with the kids. Taking a mental health day off from work. Whatever it is that makes the day that much brighter and does no harm to anyone. However, a great big however, there are times when that old adage makes sense. Rushing into things, not thinking thoughts all the way through, can lead one into the serious stewpot of waste and troubles.
     Take a look at the situation today. We did not rush carefully into a reaction to the virus and consequently we have a pandemic. So where is the haste here? Simple. We were hasty to decide that this was just a fluke, a flu like virus that would run amok through the land, but then leave us, perhaps to return some time in the future or maybe not. So, no need to react or be proactive. How stupid we were. How amazingly dumb we were to allow the world's most incompetent 'leader' make that decision for a nation. And so we died, by the hundreds, by the thousands, by the tens of thousands and by the hundreds of thousands and we sickened by the millions. Haste and waste.
     To be honest, we took the first step along the waste road when people made hasty decisions to push that button for Trump over Clinton which allowed an electoral victory over a popular vote majority which should have been a winner. Why did we do that? Because we were hasty. Because some people did not want a woman in the WH, did not like Clinton, and decided to combine the two and vote against her. Because we were angry at the growing uneven divisions in society. Because we decided that it was a good thing to vote for a liar, a reality star from TV, a pompous know nothing who used to call the paper under a fake name and  boast of 'Trump's doings. Because we were overhasty and decided to overlook the consequences in the real world of this anti whatever movement, along with the growing support of  extremist right wing sickos.
       Evidently we did not learn our lesson and continued on this so dangerous a road. We decided that we had 'suffered' enough. No more isolation. No more quarantine. No more family separations. No more masks. No social distancing. And so we hastily rebelled, taking a yard where inches were offered and guess what? Here we go again. More death. More cases. More consequences and haste and waste have struck again.
     People quickly jumped on the ugly bandwagon roaming through America. They wanted to be in on the ground floor, be the beloved pets of the madman, gain or retain power, and made haste in ridding ourselves of all safety regulations, of justice, of preparations for the future. Instead we savaged the hopes of the future as we loaded the benches with incompetent extreme right judges in the worst sense of the name and job. We have ruined the country for decades. We allowed creeps like McConnell to push through these names in haste and damage. Haste and waste again.
     We were hasty in forgiving a man who was so eminently a racist, a misogynist, a sexual pervert and harasser of women, an ignorant, illiterate person with obvious damage from some neurodegenerative disorder and some form or another of dementia. We allowed him to sabotage our foreign policies and the friendships and alliances of the world. We allowed him to be a traitor to the country, a traitor! Our haste in electing him made for a ton of waste with echoes down into the future years.
      We were hasty in laughing at his crazed antics, but here we are, in the wasteland of current day America. No immigration or the workers we need, the ideas and new thinking we need, no loyalty to our very core of values. No freedom of the press, even as once gain they are shuffled out of the WH. How many more times will we be hasty to forget and watch the piles of waste grow apace.
     But now is the time to think carefully. Now is the time I advocate we think, no, we do, we act, on an anti Trump campaign. No more allowance for haste making waste. Think what harm we have allowed to our country. Think of the dangerous fascist movements that have grown in number and influence. Think of the crapped out economy, of the pandemic mishandled from the get go. Think of the harm caused by one man and those who groveled before him, sniveling cowards one and all. Would be fascists allowing their internal ugliness to push through to the surface.
     Now we must make careful and planned haste if we are to insure a fair election vote. Stop the ruthless plans this man and his cohorts have for the ruination of that election and of the country. Think what a second term of hatred will do to us - and very likely never recover from. Are you willing to allow for that possibility to become a reality? And make no never mind about it - it will happen if we make the wrong haste and allow for the wasting of history, of the blood spilled to keep our country and the world safe. 
     Do not allow his lies, his insults to get you to rush to the polls and hastily make the wrong decision. Do not allow for the wastage of all that we hold precious in exchange for a hasty vote. Think, honestly, deeply, as to how this country has changed - for the worse- under his rule - yes, rule. Be brave enough to admit you made a grievous error last election and now you will fix it.
     Let us be more careful and thoughtful, weigh decisions carefully, plan deliberately rather than hastily or not at all and leave room then for hasty decisions in time of national emergencies.
     Pull the handle, fill in the circle, draw the connecting line, push the button, use that computer filing well, and use the mail in ballot for extra insurance that your vote will count. Fight back against those who would take away the vote from people. Remember who we are and what we stand for.
      We will never be well nor safe again if we do not do this. We need to move ahead in careful full speed if we are to correct the current situation, to throw off the growing yoke of oppression and suppression, to insure that our children are not taught twisted theories and to love the evil ruler.
Think not, for we are America? No, we are not, not now and never again if we do not do the right thing, make haste in correcting the waste we made when our haste walked us down the wrong and wasteful road.

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