Monday, June 29, 2020


     The crisis is over. Don't  believe me? Why then just turn to our esteemed VP, the Devil's Spawn, he of the dead face,  as he reassures one and all that the situation we are in right now is just hunky-dory. Yup. Good old plain English with American folksy overtones. Hunky-dory! All is just fine - in the benighted world of Trumpian distortion, willful blindness, and inability to see, hear and speak the truth.
     We are in good days beating the virus - so he says. It is winding down, numbers falling - so he says. Guess no one told Houston that as their hospitals are now at capacity for Covid-19 patients. Nobody taught that simple fact to the country as we added over 40,000 new cases yesterday, over two and a half million cases so far right here in the land of the hunky-dory USA. Yup. Just ask Pence. If you need more reassurance, well, then just ask his boss. 
     And then tell me how I am to believe that all is hunky-dory when Florida is spiking cases as a new epicenter of the virus? I am even more frightened than before, as I wonder, which idiot near me did not listen to nor heed directions, safety rules? When people reassure me that oh, not to worry, people you know, friends and family, are safe, well, guess they missed the family with 28 who have fallen ill and the eldest of the clan dead from it. Not before suffering hard for two weeks. Nope, but not to worry, for all is hunky-dory.
     All is hunky-dory in the world of our union as well. Yup. Downright hunky-dory as we are so inspired and uplifted to see a video where once again Trump praises bigotry, finding even more 'fine' people such as the "great" people he praised who shouted White Power" in his video. Oh, he had to take that down, but not to worry, for in a hunky-dory land such as he imagines us to be, that will surface again. G-d forbid he wins again, carrying the electoral votes of those vast and empty western states, then hunky-dory will reign.
      Even as the new terrorist fighting teams of the TSA come bashing in your door because you protested. Even as active military forces are instructed to use force, including live ammo, on peaceful protesters. Even as troops patrol the streets. Even as vital information such as Russia paying a bounty to kill our men and women in Afghanistan and who knows where else is ignored. Blatantly ignored. But, once again, not to worry, all is hunky-dory, for the WH claims not to have been told about this and my question is why the hell not!!! Just what is that ass doing there aside from sitting in his bathrobe, tweeting madly, insanely, and sending out his troops to assure one and all that 'alles' is hunky-dory. 
     Hunky-dory when the chills run madly down my back as he portrays the modern version of a Hitler, ranting, shouting, his face always angry or in an insane pout, always raving with words of hate, with scapegoating galore, with building blocks that actually are wrecking balls to our nation. Hunky-dory? Oh yeah. Oh so not!
     Never before has any President sold our country so blatantly, handed us over to our enemies, all in order to gain office and stay there, much to the detriment of any kind of good future we might have had. Yes, there have been bad ones, incompetent ones, corrupt, even prejudiced ones, particularly in the temperament of their times, but never before one like this. Obviously mentally deranged, whatever innate intelligence he ever had now diluted by whatever form of dementia is besetting him, probably further damaged by ingesting of dangerous medications, possible virus exposure and the damage it does to the brains of the elderly, certainly all is not hunky-dory in that echoing empty chamber inside his head.
     Certainly he is the worst Chief Executive we have ever had. He perverts every tenet of our country. He cripples the judicial system for decades to come. He favors benighted people who value his credo, contempt for all other than themselves, and possibly some family members - if they serve a purpose! He speaks of hiring people for their skills even as he practices cronyism, nepotism, and the hiring of incompetents only good for one thing - licking his shoes and feet!
     But surely, all is hunky-dory. We just do not see that 'truth' of his. We do not evidently understand that more is actually less, so bigger numbers of the sick, the dying, are actually telling us that things are getting better. Do not understand that reasoning, if one can call it that? Well, neither do the thinking people of the world, as we, Americans, along with people of other nations stand, astounded, aghast, at this gross misbehavior and wonder how the hell we ever got to this point.
     We got here, this dismal point, this lowest point in the history of our country, because we believed against all proof otherwise, that this man would keep us well and safe. That he would insure greatness. Well, he did not. His world is hunky-dory only in his demented mind as his lackeys tell him so. But it is manifestly not so.
     We must lose this man before it is too late. We are almost there already. So now, to be well, to stay safe, to give us and the world a fighting chance to undo the damage he has caused, to combat the hatred he has endorsed as his own personal growth industry, well, we need to vote him and his out of office. Consign him to the garbage heap of failed dictators and tyrants. Consign him to the prison cell he has so truly earned. Vote. Vote against him and what he stands for. What he represents. Combat that false hunky-dory world he has invented and touted like a shill in a carnival booth. 
     It can be done. It must be done. Else we are lost.

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