Sunday, June 28, 2020


    We all know the meaning of that word or equivalent. Gizmo. Doodad. Whatchamacallit. Thingy. All great substitutes for the very word you cannot recall, yet everyone seems to know exactly what you mean. "Proper" English is not always about the very proper word, but also contains within it the words of the area, of the jargon and slang that creep into our lexicon. 
     I came across a listing of several words and phrases supposedly from the South, yet they are or were in common usage all over the country. I am sure that such terms are native to other languages as well, be it Chinese, Russian, British English, Hebrew, Arabic or whatever language one speaks. It was fun thinking of how one could use these words in describing the world of today.
     So, thingamajigger. That must be either the gizmo that we need to buy to make life easier, or Heavens to Betsy! It might also mean the thing that resides in the White House. Thinking if it makes a difference whatever that thingy is called, but not really, not really at all. The message is loud and clear.
     "Hush up!" is what one is often told when raising political issues these days. Why? Too much polarization I guess, but that does not make it right. Actually, "hold your horses" and take "your own sweet time" in understanding the factual reality of life as we know it today. It is when the presumed leaders tell us to shut up, to wait on our demands, to wait till the administration feels it has destroyed enough and will take a breather. We are told we need to hold up, hold those reins firm and deny protest rights, deny free press - other than in the biased media.
     "Well, I'll be! " is yet another southern phrase that is now used to indicate fake shock, the exact opposite of its original declaration of shock. No one is shocked anymore at what is going on. When a Senator, Grassley, takes Fox!!!! to task, telling them they are allowing Trump to go off the trail, to speak too much and not to the point, well, shocked, yet? Shouldn't be. And why do we have as a president a man who is obviously not in control of his mental faculties at this point - if ever! Or how about when another Senator, Hawley, complains that the Supreme Court is not yet conservative enough - and read that backwards, divisive, oppressive, prejudiced, any pejorative word that fits - and takes Gorsuch to task for his most recent vote. We need more religion. We need more individual liberty. We need to be left alone - yet we certainly will take those farm benefits and any other monies from the government. And please make sure that those liberties, those religious rights so desperately needed infringe on the rights of 'others'. For sure! So, well I'll be? I think not?
     "Might could" we could fix the situation, but we must make sure to do it right. Do we even know "what in  the Sam Hill" is going on? Do we even understand the existential dangers we are facing? Do we understand anything worth a darn? And y'all know what? It don't amount to a hill of beans if we do not take permanent and strong steps to correct all the misdeeds, or at least try to make a dent in them. But what we have right now appears to be a bunch of "madder than a wet hen" people running around, shouting lies, stripping warning labels off seats so a Trump rally can show its devotion to their 'personal liberty' - and get sick and transfer that virus to so many others. Guess those others deserve no protection or have no right to be well and safe. Do they?
     Well, be aware. We will not "wait till the cows come home" to do what is needed. We're "fixin' to" take care of the mess now. Everything now appears to be 'cattywampus", downright dangerous and out of sorts. Why that old English dude, Shakespeare I think his name was, wrote about how the "world is out of joint", all cattywampus, even then! We need to fix it. It seems that the world always needs fixing.
     "I'm finer than frog hair split four ways." Well, considering that a frog has no hair and thus cannot be split into any amount of parts, that is how we are so delighted, so joyful in our current situation.
       In current English, no idioms or unclear terms: just get out there and vote. Get rid of those GOP members of government who would keep the status quo - no, actually worsen the situation. Vote for those who will put us back on track. Make sure that all politicians now know, and will remember, that they are "public servants', lest they forget. Let us all remember that we are entitled to be well and to stay safe. So get out there and VOTE.

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