Friday, July 24, 2020


         The question of the day apparently is: Do we have a government that functions as was and is meant to be, or do we have a government that runs more in the absence of it than the presence of it? In other words, do we actually have a government with participation of all, or are we running quickly towards the extreme opposite end? Are we falling into the company of countries run on the "strong man" mode?
     Unfortunately, I believe, as do many others, that we are rapidly losing the structure and meaning of our government as is supposed to be. Increasingly, we are hearing of new laws, singular actions, that are done by edict, called Executive Orders, but make no mistake about it. They are the dictates of a would be despot who runs along his own tracks, ones which have no room for participatory government. 
     Hence, the threat of a force of "thousands", poised to invade, yes - invade, occupy, terrorize - sovereign states of this country. It is simply put, an attempted putsch by Trump to take over the country, lock, stock, and barrel, and to do so in a way which precludes opposition and based on lies and more lies, all run by a demented man along the same lines as other demented strongmen who were able to take over countries - much to their detriment. The Pied Piper takes over, and all the rats follow along, marching off to their doom, only in this case, the rats are the people of this country, foolishly following a false messiah who will only insure their doom.
     Five words seemingly prove a point, at least in the delusional mind of a man looking to deny his cognitive deterioration and lay it off on another, his opponent. As is typical for him, he makes up a story out of nothing, arrogantly believing his own lies, even as the facts are wrong, so obviously incorrect to anyone who has even the least bit of understanding of the test Trump supposedly took.
     At this point there is nothing to do but watch, protest, and even oppose the man with force meeting force as he seeks to impose his will and twisted thoughts on the American people. When peaceful protests are met with tear gas, pepper spray, 'less than lethal' ammunition, rampaging batons and booted feet, kidnappings and unlawful imprisonment, even as they exercise their civil rights, well, there is no turning the other cheek here. Unfortunately, we have reached this terrible point and the sooner his defeat, his rejection by the American people, the sooner, the better, we will be. So VOTE. Get the man and his henchmen who have turned their backs on the American Dream out of office - for good.
     In the meanwhile, closer to home, we have our own entrenched dictator sitting there, ensconced in his basically empty UCO office, playing with a dog that belongs to another officer of this government in absentia, contemplating his navel and doodling around on his computer at the expense of CV. There has not been any meeting worthy of that name held since the whole COVID crisis began. All canceled, many at the last moment, by phone, even as one last night. Meetings are denied to others in the name of social distancing, even if held, and even as no one from the committee shows up or vast amounts of room to spread out are ignored.
     Just what is going on in this Village? What is happening to our funds? What is happening with contracts? What is happening - if anything - on prep work for a new contract to replace the awful Millennium one due to run out in a bit more than a year? Are we going to allow yet another miserable President lead the Village down a bad path for them? What about the golf course next door? What about the traffic growth to be as a new development opens? What about the infrastructure plans and repairs? What about the holey perimeter fences, missing, open to all? What about future needs and concerns? What about our own by laws which have been canceled, abrogated, as David seeks to take over control, openly, using excuses to become the dictator he is at heart? Where is the technology he is supposedly so knowledgeable about? Where is Zoom? Where is justice and laws and proper government? Why is he still in office? Why are we not recalling him, suing him for poor conduct and performance, for incompetence, illegal conduct or whatever the hell works? Hell, let us march on UCO every day and annoy the dickens out of him until he either quits or turns over a new leaf. 
      Big and small, this country desperately needs help. We have lost our democratic underpinnings. We have allowed our citizens on all levels to grow apathetic, distanced from their levels of government. We have grown a population that actually has no clue as to what is going on as they turn away from 'disturbing' news in the name of 'not being bothered or upset'.
     This is not the America I grew up in nor the America I wish for my  kids and grandkids. This is not the UCO, the local government that I expected. Where have we gone, America? Why have we allowed incompetence and hatred to take over? Why have we resigned from the game? From the life, from our responsibilities?
      We can do better than this. We must do better than this. If not, well, kiss the country America goodbye. Welcome in another, under whatever guise it takes for that will be our earned destiny. Not very safe, not very good for our health, but there it is. The choices on all levels are clear. Do we pass or fail? Up to us, to you, to me, to US.
WE are the residents of CVWPB, the residents, the citizens, of the United States of America, be we Black, White, Pink, Purple, Olive, Brown or whatever color we wish to be - even Orange! Let us remember that and act accordingly.

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