Thursday, July 23, 2020


          The scene: The 2016 Republican Convention where they nominated a racist, fascist wannabe as the Republican candidate for President.
      Who: Donald Trump, a moral vacuum, a failed, oft bankrupted, contractor stiffing man with a serious ego problem.
     Results: A series of out of control disasters ripping the country apart, inciting chasm like divisions within the population.
     Consequence: The country is  undergoing the throes of a nation turning from democracy to despotism with all inherent signs and disturbances.
     Warning signs: All these were ignored, even as his past signaled disasters in the offing. His own words clearly delineated his far gone descent into madness and serious personal fault lines of character - or lack thereof.
     The words: As he ranted as to why he ran, he answered: "So that the powerful can no longer beat up upon people that cannot defend themselves. Nobody knows the system better than me - which is why I alone can fix it."
      Thus, we were warned, saw the future in front of us, and gladly marched off on our own trail of tears and regrets, for no he ain't! He, and he alone, is the one to do something and he has. Most certainly, he has. Like the very model of not a modern major general, but of a despot, a man seeking to turn a country into his own private fiefdom, and quite frankly, very much succeeding in that twisted ambition, he has dragged the country, along with sniveling suckups, bewildered people seeking a savior, and the misguided, into chaos. 
     Oh, yes, he, and he, alone, is the one. He certainly is. But look at what he has wrought. The powerful have modern day version of the scabs and police who supported them and the nabobs of business as they attempted to break the infant unions. They beat up on the workers exercising their rights to protest, to seek life, liberty and happiness, as our founding documents promised.
     He boasts of his knowledge of the system and that is certainly true. A man of no morals has learned to game it all. He is the one, alright, the one to break us with that knowledge, knowing how to appeal to the dirty side of people, their greed, their dishonesty, their seeking power and its retention, their eagerness to bare and sell their eternal souls for that power and wealth.  
     We now have blood in the streets and this is merely a beginning. Troops use violence against their own neighbors. Unidentified, unknown, military like forces are deployed in our own nation!!! As in despotic countries worldwide, people are grabbed off the streets, civil rights ignored, trampled upon, thrown onto the dust heap of history, and at present - for now - are released, but how quickly that can change.
     A whole segment of Americans have been branded the ENEMY. Who are these nefarious people? They are those who support the exercise of rights, even when it becomes uncomfortable at times. They are the protesters. They are even those frustrated young ones, who every generation or so, take to the streets in desperation, like in 1968 in Chicago, or at anti war demonstrations, ones who are frustrated by the lack of forward movement, who lose patience and use some violence. They also are responding, in their own view, as the only thing to do when they themselves, and worse, the peaceful protesters are attacked. With Batons. With bullets. With paint guns and they hurt! With cans and projectiles. With pepper spray in massive amounts. With sudden kidnappings. With arrests. With being branded terrorists. With being called Enemy of the People. With being used as excuses for the federal government to send its own secret forces into the enemy's cities, the cities where Democrats are the mayors, the governors are Democrats, and they refuse to stand for this.
     Albuquerque is next. Then Chicago. Then? NYC? Detroit? LA? San Francisco? Where does it end? Does it end? The end result? Blood in the streets. Civil War II. The death of the best experiment of mankind, as faulty and perplexed and perplexing as it is.
     But what can we expect from a man who orders attacks on a Wall of Moms. Standing there, chanting, wearing homemade protective devices. And they are gassed. They are beaten. Who are these men who beat up people, fellow Americans? They are those who will staff the secret police, man the streets, demand papers, drag you off, guard you in modern day versions of concentration camps and we so well and surely demonstrated our oh so clever modern interpretations of that with the cages for immigrants, with the willingness of the guards to "follow orders". With the callous brutality towards children. How far from a freezing ,concrete cage is the step to smashing those children against walls? Not far at all. Not at all. 
     Think not? It cannot happen here? We are different. No, we are not. It happened in Germany. That 'cultured' country. That advanced country. It happened all over where people become afraid, are threatened on every side, overpowered, beaten by those 'powerful people', who know the system and how to work it for their own benefit and screw all others. From the mouth of the horse himself.
    This is the man in the grip of dementia, but that is not a hindrance in his ambitions. He will throw anyone under that bus, even his own son and grandchildren, used as pawns in his insane demand to reopen schools, all the better to sicken even more people, unto death. Even as we crack the ceiling of 142,000 dead. Even as we are knocking on the door of 4 million infected and growing. Growing!!! He states categorically that no one questions or talks about his mental capacity. Such a damned liar! 
    This, as he boasts of acing, like never before, a simple five minute test that every elderly person gets at one point or another to do a quick check on cognition. Even there he lies as he states no one else got it all correct. Well, I did and so did many others. And, Mr. Liar, Pants on Fire, the five words would not be "person, woman, man, camera, TV." The words are to be non related, no clues to the others, and are repeated at various intervals to check retention. This, from a man, who cannot keep track of his lies from one sentence to another. Test? Aced it? I think not. And so do many others. As do many others who are deathly afraid of what they see coming down the road from his direction.
    The hatred is overflowing its containers. The seals on these poisons are breaking. The guns are multiplying, even as the Republicans refuse to control it. Death and chaos is so much better for their plans, for the plans of their master. Even the death of our country. And we, the true Americans, the true patriots, we are left, as a mom stated, 'with no choice' other than to do what we must.
     "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone.'     Winston Churchill.
      We need to heed those words, hear them echo in our hearts, minds and souls, So get out there and do these words. VOTE.VOTE. ORGANIZE TO VOTE. That is the way, the only way, to be safe.


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