Wednesday, July 22, 2020


          There are people who make a living, so to speak, by being involved in a numbers  game, much of which I do not understand - nor have any wish to increase my understanding of it. However, it appears that our esteemed President plays his own twisted version of the number game almost every moment of his life. 
      It is quite interesting if one stands aside and watches him play. Numbers no longer represent a defined and definite fact, but are twisted, turned, changed, made up, ignored - whatever is needed to be a self declared victor in the number game of the day. But how does one stand aside and watch, no emotion, unless one is either an alien of outer space origin watching these crazy Earth people destroy themselves, or one is Pence, who never has any emotion showing.
    We are sooooo lucky to have those "news briefings" again. How and where better to get a dose of rotting figures and blasphemous lies than these supposed briefings. Yesterday was a miracle in that Trump remained true to his typed script without veering off into his usual rants and ramblings, stumbling at times as he read - difficult for him - and carried on reading one lie after another in his twisted numbers game.
     But try as he might, the numbers do not lie. We are not the best in the world at defeating or managing this virus. But we are third worst in the world. Things are getting better, quickly, or so he intimates, yet we are back over 1,000 deaths a day that are directly attributed to the virus and never mind, apparently, those deaths that are shall we say, collateral effects of the virus. For sure, let us play this twisted numbers game and think  we can hide the truth.
     Numbers hanging there in the air, like the droplets of the virus? Sure. We are within a hair of 142,000 deaths. We have the largest number of infected in the world - of any nation - close to four million people. But, things are getting better we are told. The man has now changed his tune, sings the song of patriotic masks, after his nonsense ignited so many unnecessary fires about masks. He told us that he "carries one"!! Really, how about the next step and make it a chin mask and perhaps one day he might even wear it properly, as a matter of fact daily item of dress. Added bonus - it might shut him up for a while too and certainly will cover up that most annoying smirk of his, the one that states how smart he is to put so much over so many. He was even clever enough to take advantage of opportunities to try to get the British Open at his Scotland hotel. What a creep! What a never president of mine he is. Gotta' despise him!
     Need more numbers for his twisted version? Okay, yesterday he boasted and 'reassured' us all that it really is okay, because most of the people who die from this are old, time to go, I guess. If he will play follow the leader, as the leader, it might be worth it!! To save this country. But, if wishes were horses..... Better to stand in reality, especially when our 'leader' does not.
    So, anyway, back at the overcrowded morgues, we are finding that the rise in baby deaths are horrifying The rise in the numbers of dead and infected children, of young adults, of middle aged, are out there in plain sight, but apparently one of his writers, so adept at writing lies, left these facts out, that and the conclusions they lead to. It is not getting better, we do not see the light yet. We do not have the vaccine yet. But one good thing - which we know though unstated in that oh so wonderful and informative 'briefing' - West Palm Beach, along with JFK Hospital complex, are going to have a Phase III vaccine trial right here.
Yay!!! Let us pray. Let us hope.
     The poll numbers are falling the way of the good. The number who disapprove of Trump are rising. But the numbers who believe in his mask dangerously stupid theory are at 49%. What are these people thinking - or are they at all?
    There are also facts that leave one concerned for our future. While Twitter is banning QAnon, about time, for this is an insane site, spewing forth lies all the day long, we still have laws on the books blocking mail - in ballots. This, in the time of the virus. So drag those people out of the ICU, drag them out of home quarantine. Forget the mail in ballots. Hope that enough Democrats are stymied in attempts to vote so the Republicans win again -  and we lose - and the corruption, the violence, the growing arrests by strange creatures in combat clothing with dark vans who kidnap citizens, scare the bejeezus out of them will continue. Oh for sure, Trump will like those numbers.
     So while Grey's Anatomy is trying to deal seriously with the pandemic, and mayors of major cities are suing, trying to prevent federal forces, our own version of death squads, from being placed in any American city, that Demented One ignores reality, twists it to his liking and never mind the truth.
     The moral of this sad tale of present day America is this: get out there and vote. Get out there and protest. Get out there and shout. Get out there and do not give in or give up. We have the numbers to defeat this man and his group of corrupt and dangerously unacceptable critters that run his regime. WE have the numbers to do so. Donate. VOTE!! VOTE!!
     And until Election Day and then Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, stay well, be safe, and stay determined. Do not allow the destruction of our glorious country.

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