Tuesday, July 28, 2020


     Big word, right? I do not think I ever heard that word before. But symptoms of what, with whom, and what do they signify? Are there symptoms of more than one thing and do these varied symptoms run over into related areas?
     Interesting questions and truthfully, I am not sure that I, nor any other person, have the answers to them. At least not close to 100% surety. The only one I know and trust for 100% validity is the fact that this country is crashing, terribly fast and awfully manifested, all traceable to a weak and malicious administration headed by the worst President ever in the history of this country and an administration noticeably emptier and emptier of those with ideals and morals, and ever more crowded with denizens of the deep and thriving swamp that is DC now and indeed much of the country.
     The word made its first appearance in my lexicon while reading Mary Trump's book re her uncle. Talk about family one wishes away!! By the way, this is one sad book. One is tempted to feel sorry for that poor kid who lived in an ice cold emotionless family, but one must remember that others have come from poor or damaged backgrounds and made good, for themselves and for others. This guy chose to go along with his crippled personality, his great faults and chose to stomp all over all else in his mad path to his present job. If one is going to feel sorry for anyone, then feel sorry for his children, who have been raised in such a family, and for this country, doomed all the while he remains in office and certainly on track for total disaster and implosion should he G-d forbid win in November.
     The symptoms are there, open to all, ignored by those who need him in office to sustain their life at the public trough, at their chance for riches, at their enjoyment of a morally vacant life. Self aggrandizement is the name of the game. Corruption is rife. The incompetence begins at the WH Oval Office and flows down that 'slippery' ramp to the rest of the Trumpians. The madness, the stench of filth, the plague of cold and  uncaring behavior, the shedding at a faster and faster pace, of all the values that America once stood for - well, need any more? We, our country, have lost our way, and Trump never lost any momentum along his corrupt and vile pathways through life.
     His symptoms of mental deterioration are loud and clear and growing ever more obvious by the day, even by the hour. Now, despite his oh so remarkable memory of five words - people, woman, man, camera, TV - that were never given to him, he is shedding his gray cells at an increasing rate.
     "Twitter's trending topics are "really ridiculous, illegal, and, of course, very unfair."
       Not enough? Well, Twitter evidently is trending the whole world against him, rather than the other way, as the world manifests its trends on Twitter. But that is the way a sociopath thinks. That is the thinking of an aggrieved person in the throes of dementia, even as he tries to attach that name to one far brighter than he is.
     More scary symptoms? Okay Barr, the highest officer of the land, meant to protect the rights and lives of all Americans, has now been totally and openly subsumed by his deference to Trump, even unto the point of defending the invasion, yes, invasion, of our cities, and threats of even more, in the name of "protection'!!!! We have reached the point where the division, the divisiveness wrought and encouraged by Trump et al, has reached not the breaking point, but rather the shattering point. It will shatter this country. Already among the shouts of BLM slogans, the Walls of Moms, the demand for equality, there is more. There are shouts of revolution. There are the shouting and the defiance encouraged by the fear the citizens of America feel.
     Remember Rome? Remember the great empires of the past? Remember the Empire of Russia, then the huge Soviet Union? Remember the British Empire? Remember the powerful kingdom of Spain? Remember the Thousand Year Reich? Now remember the once upon  a time United States of America. Yes, all empires can fall, especially as they forgot their roots, succumbed to corruption and false shows of deference to citizens, scamming them with bread and circus, and we are tilting, ever more, every day, every day that that man is in office, every day that his corrupt supporters work the reins of the country. No one ever promised us any permanence. That depended on us and at present, we have failed, enormously so.
     Our civilization is collapsing. We have lost the true meaning of democracy. We have lost sight of our founding values, our dreams, what we represented to the world. We have lost, ceded our position as leader to the world. We have shut our doors and opened windows and cellar doors for low lying enemies of us to take over. We have ignored the symptoms. We have allowed a great test of the country, the virus, to overwhelm us. We have allowed an incompetent madman to take us down further. We have jailed the innocent, imprisoned and caged children, lost them and ourselves in the system, thrown others into the hungry and cold life of homelessness, joblessness, and hopelessness.
     Oh, yes, there were and are symptoms. Even the bling of our country, of civilization, our cultural life, our cultural institutions, are shutting down, starved of funds, of an audience, and the added joys, the embellishments that build civilization and raise it to heights, are threatened. Can they, will they, ever reopen? In fact, the more existential question is thus: will there be any need or call for it in the collapse of our country and the chaos which would ensue?
     People, pay attention to the symptomatology of our nation, of the times, of the madman at the helm, steering us into that iceberg because he wants an ice cube. We need to return to sanity, to safety, to us, to America.
    VOTE. That is the only safe way to go. I tremble to think of the other choice, the other consequences, if we do not shed ourselves of this destructive burden, this madman and adherents who are sucking our lifeblood. Keep the vampires, the walking dead, on the screens and between book covers, not in our reality. VOTE!!

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