Wednesday, July 29, 2020


    From this man of the people and talented ballplayer, a glory days Yankee legend, we received this statement: It's Deja vu all over again." Nothing says it better as so many of us feel that we are reliving history, the history of the world and the history of ourselves. We just don't learn. We just keep putting ourselves back into that swirling eddy, that ever repeating circle of missteps, misdeeds, and lack of thought, and add to that formula, the touch of evil.
     It was Deja vu all over again yesterday at the Barr hearings. Truly, Pelosi had  it right when she called Barr a 'blob", just sitting there, impassively, with fingers twitching, as he lied all over again. Kavanaugh hearings. Russian interference hearings. Lies, again and again. A national Guardsman who was there in DC tells the truth - peaceful protesters, no bricks or objects in the air, no fires, no attacks - that is, until the troops poured in and violently pushed the demonstrators back so the most unbiblical person I know could 'go to church' and hold an upside down Bible!
     The most fundamentally irreligious people crudely use religion as their ally, suborning people to their ranks with ages old lies. With ages old ugly pictures and statements. They used the subterfuge of having their own violence inciters enter the protesters, set fires, crash glass, all to excite the shaky people just waiting for an excuse to run riot. Cynical. Aiding and abetting, but Barr, speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil, re the truth, is evidently the mantra for them, all the time, every time, every incident. If one does speak, then one speaks lies and only lies. Deja vu all over again.
     I found myself shouting at the screen again, something which I have avoided of late in due deference to my blood pressure! I had to shut it off, for it brought me ever so close to despair. I hate lies and liars. I hate people who aid and abet anti democracy activities. People who see nothing wrong in introducing violent unidentified presumably agents from Homeland Security Border Patrol - and Portland is no border city, nor is Seattle or Detroit or any of the other cities being threatened - to crush our own people, fellow Americans. Oh yes, Deja vu all over again and yes, it can happen here and in fact, is well rooted already.
     I am not a Jayapal fan, but when she is right, she is right. She laced but good into him, along with others, even as the Republicans seem not to have learned their lesson about backing Trump et al without a crack, and supported the violence against the American people, the stormtrooper behavior, the stuffing of protesters into unmarked vans, the pepper spraying of senior citizens - vets, moms, kids, no matter.
     Meanwhile, Hakeem Jeffries said it best.
"The job of the attorney general is to defend the best interests of the people and serve as the people's lawyer, but during your time as attorney general you have consistently undermined democracy, undermined the Constitution and undermined the health, safety and well-being of the American people," said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.). "All to personally benefit Donald Trump."
     So where do we go from here. Do we live in a world defined by native wisdom, Deja vu all over again, or do finally see the light and do something, constructive and positive, better this world, for once in our lives! Right now we are involved in energetically shredding the environment. We are busy denying food stamps to desperate people, so many of whom have never been here before - other than the haunting pictures of bread lines of the Great Depression. They are busy alienating our allies, irritating our enemies when not sucking up to them with declarations of love for the leaders!!! Shocking this country, praising the extremists of hate, the values of Confederacy and slavery.
     And make no mistake about it. Deja vu all over again rules ever more so. Wear the masks. Yes, so now one uses it for messages of hate! Swastikas on them. A horrid symbol of hate, smeared on Jewish institutions all over the country, shouts of anti Semitism, blames for the virus - Deja vu all over again. Never before have I seen so much unease and fright, yes, fright, among the Jewish community. Never before have I heard so many asking, musing, "Should we leave? Is it time to go again? Desperate people saying, "But we are Americans, living here for x number of years and generations." But guess what? That did not help the Jews of Germany or France or the Netherlands or anywhere else. Deja vu all over again here. Very shaky grounds for Jews right now.
     Here is a remark that says it quite succinctly. We need to remember it, understand it and act on it. “If I were to vote again for Donald Trump in 2020, it would be just as much a failure as an American, but also a failure as a human being.”       We need to remember to vote. We need to remember that now, July 29, 2020, we are as helpless against our modern day plague as Europe and the world were against the Black Plague. We are as benighted and prejudiced as they were. We are as ignorant and denying of the right thing to do, as determined to run our lives by greed and power as then. Truly, Deja vu all over again. 
     So, we have over 149,000 and climbing, deaths. We have 14.3 million infected with more to come. Evidently, sharing this wealth is just fine for Trump et al as they hide out in their swampy hideaways, just as the nobility and royalty hid out from the plague and the people. But it did not help them then, nor will it help them now.
    What will help is for all of us to stand up, stand erect, be firm in our opposition  to those who back the Deja vu all over again view. We need to return ourselves and our country to where and what it is supposed to be. We need to turf these people out, these unamerican retrogrades who would destroy the hopes and lives of so many, with callous and old time gestures, words and deeds that reek of horror and hatred, of death, literal and figurative.
      So turn out and vote. Get your mail in ballot now. Early voting starts in 60 days in most places. Get your ballot in. Pronto!! VOTE for yourself. Vote for others. Vote for America, for hope, goodness, welcome, the right ways of life. Sure, we will continue to make errors, some grievous indeed, but if we continue on the correct paths, clearing out the detriment of the Trump administration and outlook, then we will make progress. Vote Biden. Vote Democratic party. Vote for the  people of America, not the would be elitists. Let us forge ahead and not return to a proposed awful future compounded by the return, the open return of evils of the past. Vote that out. VOTE!

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