Friday, September 25, 2020


     Those are the words right out of the ass's mouth. We'll see, he says, when asked about the acceptance of the presidential election. We'll see, what he means, is that we will see if we are to remain America as such, or if we are to enter the next era, where the USA, a la Rome and other great empires, fall back into the dust as they retreat into darkness, tyranny, political corruption and all sorts of trickery and ruses. And all the while we are supposed to trust the words that emanate from the mouths of those corrupt, morally vacant Republicans who say that they will accept the results, accept if the Supreme Court hands the office over to Biden. They say that even as they push through the most hurried nomination and confirmation process ever, a cruel joke, a nasty hoax pulled on the American people. Even as they sow huge fields of doubt and suspicion upon a safe method of voting. This is the belt and suspenders theory of GOP government. Cheat and lie, accuse and lie some more, then put on the suspenders by packing the court with dangerously biased, bigoted, incompetent and dangerous 'judges'.

Do not know much about Gorsuch, other than he has shown some moxie via his voting. But look at the rest of the Republican appointees, right back to Clarence Thomas who should have been forced to resign when there was conclusive proof that he did indeed sexually harass his victim, even as Trump should have been declared useless and violator par excellence with all his sexual suits, but nope, there he remains as President. We have Kavanaugh and my nausea roils me once again as I think how we went wrong here, how politics slammed decency and honor into the mat and refused to tap out.

And I wonder about his new pick. The lead choice is quite controversial, belonging to a fringe sect of Christians which refers to women as "handmaiden" and there it is! My gorge rises and out spews all the nauseating factors and facts of Trump et al. Give him what he wants, continue to be pathetic moral weaklings, and we will have a dead country. We will see? Yes, we unfortunately will, and getting America back? Be real. Get real. We will have lost our battle with history. We will live on in shame as the generation that lost America. We'll see, won't we?

The intrusion of politics into religion and vice versa. The intrusion of politics into health care. As far as that goes, even as he takes apart our health safety net, as leaky as it was, Trump now thinks we elderly people are so "wonderful" that he can bribe us, get our votes, for a $200 'gift card' for drugs. I do not know about the rest of you, but that ain't cutting it with me. I am not a cheap date. I am not something to be 'drug' out of the closet, forced to make my 'x' on the spot, and put back into the closet, to rot and wither away, denied all care, denied all hope.

Oh, yes, he tells us, we are "rounding the corner", referring to the virus battle. Well, no, we are not, unless referring to the corner around which there is the heightened fear of virus plus flu. Just think how we all hate the mask, breathing behind it, hearing weird voices emanating from blocked mouths. Now think of the stuffed noses, the scratchy throats, the thirst of hurting throats, the aches, and just where will those masks go under difficult situations, even as our health system, private, personal, and institutional, collapses under the strain and masks go flowing past into the sewers. Not a pretty picture, not a good corner!

Nor does this stop with Trump and his malignant crew. The very idea, the nerve, to strip America of its democratic rights and rites is overwhelming in its growth. Even as Trump pushes the envelope nationally, here in CV we get yet another cancelation of the Executive Board. No interference for David Israel. Oh, no, he needs to keep his bully pulpit. He needs to hide his incompetence, his deteriorating state of mind and mode and mood. Where does this all end? I am afraid that we will indeed see - and shrink in horror at the sight.

People, we all have to get out there and vote. We need to vote for a future of light, of hope, not of darkness and oppression. That is what will be should Trump win - HORROR!!! Honor the memory of a great woman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Honor the sentiment expressed by those mourning her as the hypocrite and his amoral wife, showed up- the nerve - and the chant rose into the air: "Vote him out!" "Honor her last wish". Indeed.

Vote, however it works for you. But vote. I really do not wish to see what he thinks we should - and truly, deny it all you want, neither do you. Time is running out, in the country, in localities and here in CV where nearly a year has gone by with no UCO meetings for delegates, for officers of the Board and just plain old residents with concerns. Not a good place to be and not a good future if we do not challenge and defeat this. VOTE!! Indeed!


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