Sunday, September 27, 2020


      We all were there. Anyone in close contact with little kids who are first meeting the world at large, knows those questions. Why is the sky blue? Is the ocean also blue? Do they meet? Do they share the blue? Can I have a cookie? Why not? Where are we going? When will we get there? Are we there yet? Now? Now? I have to go to the bathroom - now! Really bad? Oops. Too late.

There are no answers that would stop the barrage of questions and generally, that cookie would be given, if only for a bit of peace and quiet. But I wonder now what kind of cookie we are going to be offered as we ask questions, repeated questions, substantial questions, existential questions, and not only do we not get a cookie in any form, but we are told how badly life will change. "Are we there yet?" we ask. "Almost", is the answer given. Are we too late here as well?

Why have we allowed this?

Why are there gatherings ever larger in scope and numbers by far right wing haters?

Why do we allow a definitively damaged man to overturn all that this country once was?

Why do we allow that same man to threaten to overturn election results, refuse to leave the WH and transition peacefully?

Why has this man politicized every single government branch and organ - and gotten away with it?

Why has Congress confirmed each and every corrupt and venial, unqualified candidate?

Why have we ceded the Supreme Court to him?

Why has he not had his tax records opened?

Why is he not in prison for his sexual attacks? 

Why is he not a registered sex offender?

Why are we allowing such delays?

Why do the children of this man, filled with the same hate towards all, the same conceits, think they are the anointed successors of their father?

Why do we allow them to think that way?

Why do we allow the corruption, the nepotism, the cronyism, the joined complexes to rule the day?

Why do we allow politics to interfere with science, be it re hurricanes or vaccines?

Why do we shrug off the numbers, those horrible numbers, ever growing - over 7 million infected   and 205,000 dead!

Why have we grown so blase, so heartless and yes, even vicious?

Why have we had rumbles in the streets and are they the preludes to the oncoming inevitable Civil War II?

Why do we allow a bully, a tyrant, to run the government, paralyzing and coopting morally valueless Senators and other members of the GOP?

Why have we all lost our way, fallen off the track through the swamp of DC, going down for the last time?

Why is Joe Biden, according to Trump, both the dumbest man and the best debater at the same time? A tad nervous there, Donny boy!? Cake and eating it too?

Why is this our President?  "an ill-formed man who lacks basic self-control and shows no semblance of inner character."  Or this -   "...who knows. He's sort of like Goebbels. You say the lie long enough, keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, it becomes common knowledge," 

Why do we tolerate the abrogation of every  norm, principle, tradition and law of our country, making a farce, a dangerous farce of it all?

Why have we become a third world country, the butt of every joke of the world?

Why are we allowing our citizens to die from hunger, malnutrition and untreated health issues?

Are we there yet? Dear G-d, but I hope not. I hope we have a chance at this election. I hope we come to our senses before voting. I hope that people switch their brains back to the ON position.

Why have you not yet voted if your state allows it? Get thee to those polls, mail in the ballot, stand in line - whatever, whichever, works for you, but VOTE!! Literally, the entire world is depending on you to save it. VOTE!!

Are we there yet? Are we? Are we?  Are we?

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