Monday, October 26, 2020


      People watched in amazement as the ball was punted over 110 yards to cross the goal line. It flew through the air, straight and true as the opposing team ran uselessly to catch and stop its flight. In the meanwhile, we have yet another surprise and another crossover between the characters of The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. Dwight and Sherry reunite in a tear inducing embrace, a search successful and the future? That is unknown.

People are becoming invested to a heavy degree in things that normally might have earned a comment, but today serve as substitutes for the real world. That world is just too damn uncomfortable; better to look away and survive is the thought. Keep your head down and your mouth shut appears to be the growing new normal. And yet, that is the very thing we must avoid, for if we say and do nothing, the cracks in the firmament of the United States of America will have no more reunions, will have no miraculous punts. Instead, there will be those ever lengthening cracks, the deeper and deeper chasms that will rend this country into shreds. What was - once - will be no longer. 

Voters are coming out in droves. That is good news but there remain questions that will not be answered until perhaps many days later. Who are these voters and their choices? Are there going to be more record numbers of voters on Election Day or will it taper off? Will the Democratic surge hold true, strong, right through Nov. 3 or will that be overcome by a last minute surge of troglodytes to the polls, determined to keep their chosen and demented tyrant in office, enmeshed in his own imaginary world colored by lies and 'roid rages.

So be afraid my friends, very much so. The GOP is continually going at the fabric of this country, and all is fair for them in this war against democracy. And yes, democracy - for that is what is at stake. It is freedom of speech. It is the right and the comfort to know that the government has the best interests of its residents in mind. That the politicians will not enrich themselves via corruption and theft at the public trough. That rules, traditions, decency, comity will all be valued and the anger and hatred will be tamped down. Particularly if Trump is consigned to the garbage heap of history, an aberration, and better yet, best, actually, we get to see him charged, led away in cuffs, doing a perp walk, and then modeling the orange jumpsuit that will so clash with his orange skin tone!!

We have now lost almost as many people to COVID 19 as we lost in battles in WWII. Within a few days we will bump up against a quarter of a million dead and 9 million infected with the numbers of infections higher than at any time since the beginning. We are at war. We are at war with the virus and with those who refused to admit it existed, that it needed strong and orderly, sensible ways to combat it, needed the work of real scientists, not the whoo-whoo ones that Trump drags out from some dark cupboard. 

It needs the trust of the population, the majority of whom now state that they will not take an early vaccine for the process is not to be trusted, too politicized, just so wrong. I am one of those and seriously, would love to see Trump and family take those vaccines first. Let them be the first, serve some positive purpose! 

What goes around comes around and it is not pretty. The cops are being politicized, losing their necessary neutrality. We eye the National Guard with great trepidation, for will they shoot their neighbors? Will they be transferred to other states so familiar faces will not be there, just as the Russians and Chinese do? People shout and curse each other, threaten them with dire consequences and even as the stomach churns and the despair rolls over in thick clouds, we, too, join in the fray, for so deep are these cracks and differences now, almost too far apart to hope for reconciliation and sense. And the armed forces? Will they obey a deranged and law breaking supposed commander in chief or will they support the Constitution? Facebook is preparing for disaster, people are planning, stocking up, buying guns, the rich are finding hideaway homes though there is no hiding from this, and we are in the midst of an uncertainty such as never has been before.

The truth is out. The WH admits it has no control, lost whatever chance of control, and now says it will pursue vaccines and mitigating efforts, huh! Thought they refused to wear masks, those political pieces of cloth, and all other measures. Well, guess there will be differences now - or maybe not. The WH tried to hide the fact that the virus is rampant among the West Wing and the VP's staff. Fox News had to quarantine a whole bunch of dudes due to exposure. Serves them right!! Choose stupidity and you will get bitten in the ass! Hard. Inevitable.

Trump keeps talking about some mythological corner that we are presumably rounding. Guess he is lost in his own Alice in Wonderland country where truth is a lie, and facts have no place there. Fauci says that we are indeed, not rounding any corner, but instead are going in the wrong direction. Quelle surprise! Trump says he cannot back some Republican Senators for he might lose his soul! What soul? Long gone in so many deals with the devil, so many deaths on his account books, the ones G-d keeps, so much guilt and evil laid at his feet - what soul!?

People, the future of this country, the future of ourselves and the kids are in our hands. We need to step up and combat evil for this is Evil with that capital E. Come out and VOTE. There is no other way. EVERY vote counts, There is no margin of safety. Time is of the essence. VOTE! For the sake of sanity - VOTE. For the sake of goodness - VOTE. For whatever reason - VOTE.

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